Page 7 - feb-mag-2022
P. 7

February 2022                        February 2022
 HOW ARE YOU GETTING ON SAVING THE   During February we will have our usual spring recess, which I will be spending in
       the constituency. Please do get in touch if you would like me to visit your business
 PLANET?   or  charity,  or  if  you  need  help  and  support  and  would  like  to  see  me  in  a
       surgery.      You   can    contact    me    via   email
 In November I delivered a talk at  or  call  my  office  on
 Briantspuddle  Village  Hall  based   01202 624216.
 on  the  report  created  by  the
 C e n t r e    f o r    Al t e r n a t i v e
 Technology.  This  describes  how
 we  in  Britain  can  do  our  bit  to
 save the planet by 2030. I made
 comparisons  with  what  we  are   LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT
 doing  in  our  house,  Starmoor,  in
 Throop. So I was showing off how
 "Green" we are - until I got to the motor cars!   Michael Tomlinson MP   
          holds regular surgeries
 Well,  last  Saturday  was  the  worst  day  of  my  life.  I
    traded  in  my  F  type  Jaguar.  This  car  is  the  most   in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
 scrummy car I have ever had, but it runs on petrol, and   details of forthcoming
 so it is not in keeping with the plans to save the planet.   surgeries or to make an   
 I intend to buy a battery car, but I may end up with a   appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP
 battery powered disabled buggy.
             contact his office.
 There are many of us at Starmoor and we have lots of
 vehicles so it will take a long time to change them all
 to be green. But we have started. So, do I feel proud to
 be  changing to electric  and saving the planet? No, I
 am miserable to have lost such a beautiful motor car.
 In  my  presentation  of  the  analysis  of  CAT’s  report  I
 asked the audience “who is responsible for saving the
 planet and when?” The answer is YOU and NOW.


 I  am  now  stepping  down as  co-ordinator  of  Briantspuddle’s  Purbeck Film  Festival
 event which takes place every October.
 If you are interested in taking over from me I would be glad to hear from you.  I will
 provide all details of the duties involved.

 Please phone or e-mail – 01929 472733:
 Maggie Hoyle

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