Page 44 - feb-mag-2022
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February 2022                        February 2022
       Stream, and the gravel pit at the top of Rye Hill.   As a collie she needed a great
 As I levered myself up the steps onto the pontoon, lifeguard Chris Campbell came   deal of entertaining and exercise.  She loved to be in the Garden with my mother
 over.  He  had  spent  the  past  eleven  seasons  (the  pond  is  open  all  year  round)   often  at  the  back  of  No  90  where  my  mother  grew  vegetables  and  I  kept
 working here and loved the place.   “Fancy a cup of tea and would your wife like   chickens.  She spent hours looking through the fence at the chickens but it was
 one too?” he enquired. What better than a nice mug of English tea after a cool   even better if one got out she would track it round and round the garden until it
 refreshing  swim?  I  sat  a  while  with  Diana  and  we  chatted  to  a  couple  of
 gentlemen  who  were using  the  Lifebuoys  area  for  sunbathing and  reading their   wished it hadn’t escaped.
 books Pic 04   Judy Helder and Jackie Legg took over some of the walks.  Jenny soon learnt to
       run up from the Manor House to Turberville Court to meet her dog  walker.   The
 The Pond is used a lot by single men and is popular particularly amongst the gay
 and Jewish communities. I can understand why people from all walks of life have   telephone  would  ring  and  Megan  would  say  to  Jenny  “Do  you  want  a  walk?”
 used  it  as  their  little  retreat  from  the  hustle  and  bustle  of  city  life.  It  is  an   Jenny would run up past the Elder Road Bungalows and up to the Car park.  To
 extraordinarily peaceful place. Barry Nicholas who had spent the last 14 summers   start with people wondered if she was a stray but after a while would say “Oh, it’s
 and Anderson Dos Santos who was in his first year gave us a cheery farewell wave.   only Jenny going for her walk”
 Both  Diana  and I  were  enchanted  by this  aura of old  world  charm,  a  peaceful   She  was  an  intelligent  and
 place to while away a warm sunny summer afternoon....   intuitive  dog  and  soon  worked
       out  where  to  go,  who  her
 Bob Holman
       friends  were,  where  she  could
       get  biscuits  and  who  would
       throw  things  for  her.    She  liked
       routine and I am convinced she
       knew  what  day  of  the  week  it
       was.      She   became     a
       community  dog  visiting  the
       ladies in the  Woodbury Singers.
       Kath  Jeeves  was  not  a  dog
       lover   but   was   seen   on
       occasions  to  throw  toys  for  her
       in  the  corridors  of  Turbeville
       court. Roger Angel would throw
       her  sticks  in  the  churchyard.    She  would  call  on  next  door  neighbour  Richard
       Cunningham  Wood  and  had  her  own  biscuit  jar.      At  the  Pop  Inn  Tony  Shave
       would ignore the demands of his vegetable purchasers and go and get a biscuit
       for Jenny if she arrived.  She never forgot Adrian and Elaine Standfield and always
       made a great fuss when ever she met them.
       She  seemed  to  take  a  keen  interest  in  everything,  the  diamond  Jubilee
       celebrations,  the  unveiling  of  the  Bere  Regis  Stone  at  the  Western  End  of  the
       village and at the Women’s Institute bulb planting round the Rye Hill Stone.  She
       has been to Gardening club, the Scout Hut for the Big Fund Raising Breakfasts and
       Women’s Institute Events.  She went to the tree planting day at Mays Wood and
       even  met  and  was  stroked  by  Brian  May.    She  was  very  Star  struck.    She  was
       always very grateful to him as he opened up the woods and all the new tracks for
       all the generations of Dog Walkers and their dogs.
       After my mother’s death and the sale of No 2 The Manor house, Jenny moved to
       live with me in North Street.  I had never had a dog before but soon adapted to

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