Page 21 - feb2024
P. 21

February 2024                        February 2024
 making bird boxes, bug hotels and planters etc
 we also do a lot of talking and drinking coffee.   BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND
 We have completed and refurbished the table   ENVIRONMENT GROUP
 tennis table and that is available for people to
 play a game.
 If  you  are  interested  in  coming  along  and
 doing  any  of  the  above  or  your  own  small   It  is  only  February  but  thankfully  there  are  already
 project,  call  in  and  see  us  you  will  be  very   some promising signs of Spring – throughout the month
 welcome.   lengthening  daylight  hours  will  become  more
 Have  you  checked  out  our  Pop  In  Place   noticeable; early bulbs are starting to flower, be they
 website    garden  bulbs  such  as  snowdrops  or  native  bulbs  such  as  the  yellow  flowering
       lesser  celandine  providing  a  good  source  of  nectar  for  any  insects  that  may
 For More information call Alison Bennett 01929   emerge;  catkins  are  showing  in  the  hedgerows  and  ponds  will  soon  have
 472023    frogspawn in them; and on any welcome warmer days there may be some early
       butterflies to be seen, such as Brimstone, Orange Tip, Peacock or Red Admiral.

 POETRY CORNER                                You’ll know that the red squirrel is our
 Open All Hours                               native squirrel. Its latin name is Sciurus
                                              vulgaris.  You  might  say  there  is
 He will not know what to do,   Will not be able to function.   nothing  vulgar  about  a  red  squirrel
 But I cannot, for a moment, think,   Maybe, he’ll just stay in bed   and  there  isn’t!  They  are  delightful
 He’ll be other than wide awake,   And simply see what comes,   creatures  with  their  orangey-red  fur,
                                              bushy  tail  and  tufted  ears  as
 Having not slept a wink.   As for this one day in the year,   pictured.  The  latin  word  ‘vulgaris’
 His mind will have been in overdrive,   Jagtar sits and twiddles his thumbs.   appears  after  the  names  of  many
 It will not have been able to stop,          animals  and  plants.  It  simply  means
 But, what on earth will he do,   My heart goes out to Raj.   ‘common’.  Sadly,  the  red  squirrel  is
 Without Bere Regis Village Shop?   His poor devoted wife,   far  from  common  nowadays.  It  has  not  been  seen  in  this  area  (other  than  on
       Brownsea Island in Poole Harbour) for a very long time and is extinct over most of
 Maybe, he’ll just stay in bed   For whom, today will body-swerve,   England and Wales.
 And simply see what comes,   Their carefully structured life.
 As for this one day in the year,   How on earth will she cope?   The  grey  squirrel’s  Latin  name  is  Sciurus  carolinensis.  This  points  to  its  American
 Jagtar sits and twiddles his thumbs.   She will need to find a way,   origins in North and South Carolina. Apparently grey squirrels were first introduced
       to England from North America in 1876 as an ornamental species to populate the
    Twenty-four hours of gritted teeth,
 For sure, he will be fidgeting,   Then, roll on Boxing Day.   grounds of stately homes. Around 30 separate introductions occurred until 1930.
 His nerves will be out on a ledge.   Maybe, she’ll stay in bed too,   By  then,  the  damage  caused  by  the  grey  squirrel  was  recognised  and  it  was
       made illegal to release a grey squirrel to the wild. A debate has been going on as
 His mind, flitting around the shelves,   And simply see what comes,   to  whether  the  decline  of  our  red  squirrel  population  is  simply  down  to
 As it pushes itself to the edge.   As for this one day in the year,   competition  from  the  grey.  Certainly  the  grey  has  played  some  part  in  the
 The well-oiled machine,   Jagtar sits and twiddles his thumbs.   elimination  of  the  native  red  squirrel  over  most  of  England  and  Wales,  if  only
 Will simply lose its unction,      because they carry a virus which is more lethal to the red. It is ironic that the wild
 And village life as we know it,   Paul J Openshaw December (2023)   mammal easiest to see is one that does not belong here.

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