Page 16 - feb2024
P. 16

February 2024                                                                       February 2024

                       BERE REGIS NEWS                                                     arranged for a seat in a car for him to travel there. He refused and said he would
                                                                                           ride his bike His wife of course was even more furious but left him to ride to the
       BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                           When  his  wife  and  two  younger  daughters  returned  that  evening  from  the
                                                                                           reception, they found Bob eating his supper at the kitchen table, she was furious.
                                                                                           She had questions she wanted answering. The first,  Why hadn’t he turned up to
       Chairman:       n Park   07970 727792               the reception?
                                                                                           He replied he had ridden the four and a half miles to the village but couldn’t find
       Vice       Bryan     07969 770890                the house. His wife said why hadn’t he asked someone where his daughter was to
       Chairman:  Benjafield                                                               live.  His  response  was  that  he  couldn’t  remember  her  new  name.  It  was  weeks
                                                                                           before his wife spoke to him again, nor did she cook for him for several weeks and
       Parish     Amanda    07855 396073                          he had to sleep in the bed vacated by his eldest daughter.
       Clerk:     Crocker
                                                                                           At this point I will say good bye for now and wish you all A Very Happy Year and
                                                                                           don’t forget to write down the names of all the new people you meet.
                                                                                                                 God bless You All and thank you for reading to the end  -
                                                                                                                                                            Ted Cox
       The Parish Council met on Thursday 11  January 2024 in the Village Hall. There was
       one member of the public present. Members of the press and public are welcome
       and  there  is  a  period  for  public  participation  at  the  start.  If  you  are  unable  to
       attend but wish to submit a comment or question, please contact the Clerk or any     IN SEARCH OF FALCONRY HISTORY AT BERE
       member of the Parish Council.                                                        REGIS, DORSET

       D-Day Events                                                                        By Brian Bird (Falconer and
                                                        We     are   currently
                                                        planning  for  the  80             Portrait  of  “Ready”,  a  passage  tiercel
                                                        Anniversary  of  D-Day  in         peregrine.  “Ready”  was  the  property  of
                                                        June,  and  intend  to  light      Captain  Gilbert  Blaine  (1874-1955).  Blaine
                                                        the   beacon    in   the           was  a  skilful  and  enthusiastic  falconer  –  his
                                                        evening  of  the  Thursday         name is legendary among falconers. He was
                                                        6   June  and  have  some          founder  member  of  the  British  Falconers’
                                                        refreshments  available.  If       Club (President 1947-1955) and the link back
                                                        you  would  like  to  be           to the Old Hawking Club.
                                                        involved   in   helping
                                                        organise  any  additional          Blaine was once a tenant of an extensive Manor of Bere Regis in Dorset. “Ready”
                                                        events  to  commemorate            was among a number of hawks in his mews and flown at partridges. He also went
                                                        this, please contact the           hawking  with  Major  Charles  Robert  Eustace  Radclyffe  (1873-1953)  from  Hyde
                                                                                           House, Bere Regis near Wareham. Both celebrated falconers usually joined forces
                                                         Clerk on                          and had great days partridge hawking on part cultivated and part moorland.
                                                                                           Since moving back to Dorset and not living far from Bere Regis, I was inspired to

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