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February 2024                                                                       February 2024

                            700,000  birds  visit  the  UK  each  year  after  travelling  from   There Will Always be a Place In my Life For You.
                            Iceland  and  Scandinavia.  The  redwing  was  the  first  bird

                            species scientists proved to use ultraviolet vision to detect     It’s the Knowledge of Your Presence,
                            fruit due to the reflection of berries waxy coatings.             And the way you stand so resolute,
                            Fieldfare are another species of thrush, and like redwing         As time and torment truly take their toll.
                            they  travel  in  large  flocks  throughout  the  UK  during  the   It’s the zeal in your eyes,
                            winter.  680,000  birds  visit  our  shores  each  year  from     And your warm and glowing radiance,
                            Scandinavia  and  Russia.  The  name  fieldfare  is  derived      As we strive towards a common distant goal.
                            from  “feldware”,  the  Anglo-Saxon  word  meaning
                            “traveller of the fields”.                                        It’s so hard to comprehend the way our friendship grew,
                                                                                              But there will always be a place in my life for you.
                            Another phenomenal winter visitor we have seen at Wild
                            Woodbury is the hen harrier. A stunning ghostly grey male                                                    It’s your disregard for failure,
                            has  been  seen  over  Wild  Woodbury,  likely  due  to  the                                             And the way you see the future,
                            presence of their main food sources: voles and meadow                                      And the prospect of the paths, which lie ahead.
                            pipit.  There  are  just  545  pairs  in  the  UK,  so  the  sightings
       have been incredibly special. During the summer, hen harriers live in open areas                                                      You win my admiration,
       with low vegetation to allow them to nest on the ground. Upland moorland is a                                                     For your grim determination,
       particularly  key  habitat.  Wild  Woodbury  provides  a  great  roost  site  option  for                 And the way you stayed when others would have fled.
       when  the  birds  relocate  to  lowlands  during  the  cooler  months.  It  is  really                   It’s so hard to comprehend the way our friendship grew,
       encouraging to see so many overwintering birds on site and we can’t wait to see                                But there will always be a place in my life for you.
       what else might turn up!
                                                                                              I have often been unable,
       If  you  would  like  to  get  in  touch,  then  please  email  me:  Daisy  Meadowcroft                                                To express these random thoughts,
                                                                                              And how inadequate is the vehicle of word.
                                                                                              As the clouds of doubt roll over,
                                                                                              And the daylight starts to fade,
                                                                                              Events could not have otherwise occurred.
                                                                                              It’s so hard to comprehend the way our friendship grew,
                                                Quality Tax and                               But there will always be a place in my life for you.

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