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February 2019                                                                       February 2019

         BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE                                                                                OBITUARIES

                        NEWS                                                                         property.    Here  Peter  was  able  to  expand  the  business  and  he

                                                                                                     began  to  concentrate  more  on  furniture  making,    specialising  in
       VILLAGE HALL NEWS                                                                     Windsor chairs, working in elm, beech, yew, ash oak and pine. Taking stands at
                                                                                             Dorchester  and  Melplash  Shows,  and  often  taking  a  pole  lathe  along  to
                                                                                             demonstrate the old way of making chair legs, filled the order books.
                                                                                             Living in such a lovely part of the world the family were able to enjoy boating,
       Firstly,  I  must  apologise  for  the  lack  of  a  January                          walking and cycling and camping holidays both exploring the British Isles and
       entry  for  the  magazine,  I  know  there  are  some                                 the Continent.  Peter also took an active part in village life.  He was also able
       people  who  look  forward  eagerly  to  our  news,                                   to indulge his passion for old cars as the property at Bridge House included the
       and  so  there  must  have  been  a  bit  of                                          old blacksmith’s shop  which he converted in to a garage, owning over the
       disappointment .  . .  . . it could not be helped as                                  years an MG TC, a 1936 Hillman Aero Minx, a Morgan in which he competed
       my eyesight was not all it should have been at the                                    in hill climbs,  a 1929 Lea Francis and an MGB, finally finishing up with a little
       time of submission. Indeed it’s still rather ‘iffy’ so do try and forgive any mistakes or   Mazda  MX5.  He  much  enjoyed  working  and  maintaining    the  old  cars.
       omissions.                                                                            Another  hobby  he  thoroughly  enjoyed  was  collecting  and  making  lead  toy
                                                                                             soldiers, military vehicles and Dinky toy cars.

       Xmas Fair                                                                             Sadly Peter was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2001, and gradually had
                                                                                             to give up working with his woodworking machinery, his gliding which he had
       The  culmination  of  our  November  events  calendar  was  a  very  enjoyable        recently  taken  up  and  eventually  his  motoring  as  the  disease  took  hold.
       afternoon. The Hall, as usual, was decorated beautifully by our band of trustees      However,  he  never  really  gave  in  to  it  and  continued  to  enjoy  life,  his
       and helpers, and the day was enjoyed by all who came and participated, even           grandchildren, holidays, travelling abroad, still taking an active part in village
       those  who  just  dropped  in  for  lunch.  Money  was  made  for  organisations,     life, even serving in the shop for a while, and especially getting out and about
       individuals  and  charities  alike,  with  a  profit  also  going  to  the  Hall  funds.  I  must   in  the  countryside  on  his  cross-country  buggy.    As  life  became  increasingly
       thank Father Christmas for finding time in his busy schedule to stop off to see the   difficult and Sue was no longer able to look after him at home, he spent the
       children who came along; his jolliness was much appreciated by grown ups too.
                                                                                             last  six  months  of  his  life  in  Pine  Martin  Grange  Residential  Care  Home  in
                                                                                             Sandford,  Wareham, where he received such wonderful care and attention
                                                                                             during  the  last  few  months  of  his  life.    Throughout  his illness he  never  lost  his
       New Years’ Eve
                                                                                             lovely sense of humour, and never complained, even though his disablement
        A few village organisations co-ordinated a brilliant evening at the Hall. We were    was so frustrating at times.
       once again entertained by Ian and his disco ‘Night Train’ (he likes Briantspuddle).
       For those out there who profess not to like games let me say, you don’t have to
       join in, but if you do come watching the fun is as good as participating!! There was
       a  very  entertaining  (so  I’m  told)  cabaret,  and  Briantspuddles  own  very
       professional  piper  piped in  the  New  Year  for  us.  Our  special  entertainment  was
       provided by Rob whose break dancing has to be seen, next year we hope to give
       him his own spot, well done Rob. I’d like to say thanks to Ian who could not attend
       but set a table picture quiz for the event.


       There was a special draw at the end of 2018 with 10 prizes ranging from £40.00 to

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