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P. 61

February 2019                        February 2019

 leader  the  CD  and  transcript.    The  cost  will  depend  to  some  extent  on  the   r e c e i v e d    s e v e r a l
 numbers attending, but is usually in the region of £5 per head.  If you would like to   complimentary  remarks.    For
 come  to  all  or  part  of  the  course  please  let  me  know  by  mid-February  so  that   parishioners  who  have  not  yet
 enough booklets can be ordered.    seen   it   a   photograph   is
       attached to this article.  Thanks
 Jonathan Haigh
       go  to  Trevor  Poole  who  has
 (01929 471768;   taken  on  this  project  and  to
       the makers of the post for their


 Sundays  10.30am    Morning  Service    taken  each  week  by    visiting

 Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting   BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE HALL
 Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group
 Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer    EVENING   LECTURE   SERIES

                       Fair Trade   -  Does it really work?
 It is with sadness that we record the death of our former minister, Rev. Ray Healey
 on 9  January 2019.
                     An illustrated talk delivered by Judith Holmes
 Ray,  as  he  was  always  known,  was  minister  of  the  Congregational  Church from
 1980 until his retirement in 2001.  During that time the Lord used this little Chapel to   Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local
 bless  many  people  living  in  the  surrounding  area,  as  well  as  in  the  village,   sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the
 especially  through  the  monthly  Saturday  evening  teaching  meetings,  which  ran   developing world, empowering them to combat poverty and take more
 for fifteen years.  Many children came to Sunday school and to ‘Tuesday Club’, a
 fun  packed  evening  of  games,  tuck  shop  and  activities  around  a  Bible  story.    control over their lives.
 Some of you, who now have your own young families, will remember this.
         Judith Holmes is a Fairtrader for Traidcraft. She will be showing how
 Ray, a twin, was born in Canada, where his parents were seeking work during the   Fairtrade works in practice, with particular reference to Ghana and
 depression.    While  the  boys  were  still  very  young  the  family  returned  home  to
 England, making their home in North  Wales, not far from Chester.   When school   Costa Rica.
 days  were  over  they  all  moved  to  Rochdale  in  Lancashire,  where  both  boys   th
 obtained jobs as apprentice draughtsmen, for different engineering firms, but on   Wednesday 20  February 2019
 the  same  street.    Ray  became  a  design  engineer,  at  one  point  designing  the
 longest  ‘raising’  machine  in  the  world  for  the  cotton  industry.    Ray  regularly   Starting at 7:30 pm
 attended  church,  but  did  not  know  Jesus  as  his  Saviour.    One  Sunday,  while   Admission £3  (includes tea coffee biscuits. A glass of wine or beer will
 listening  to  a  sermon  on  the  verse,  “I  know  whom  I  have  believed  and  am
 convinced that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him, against   be available at cost)
 that day.” 2 Timothy 1v12, Ray did indeed commit his life to Jesus, and that text
 became very important to him in later years when preaching.  Ray married Joyce   Please email:  or text: 07 419 312 517
              to reserve your place, and for details of advance payment if preferred.

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