Page 54 - br-february-2019
P. 54

February 2019                                                                       February 2019
       BERE REGIS WI                                                                                          BERE REGIS NEWS

       This  month,  you  may  be  asking  yourself  why  the                              BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL
       Bere  Regis  WI  is  adorning  the  village  with  green
       hearts of all shapes, sizes and materials.  The answer
       is  simple,  we’re  joining  thousands  of  people  across  the  country  in  making  and   Chairman:    Ian Ventham    471480
       sharing  these  hearts  to  #ShowTheLove  for  all  we  want  to  protect  from  climate
       change,  and  to  encourage  everyone  who  sees  them  to  think  more  about  our
       environment and what we can do to protect it.  We are of course using recycled      Vice Chairman:   Robin Pitcher     472151
       material and scraps we already have in our work boxes!

       The   initiative   is   coordinated    by   the   Climate    Coalition              Parish Clerk:      Amanda          472327
       (,  a  group  of  over  130  organisations,                       Crocker
       including  the  WI,  who  are  working  together  to  generate  grass  roots  support  to
       combat climate change and to ask politicians to put aside their differences and      Websites:
       commit to doing whatever is necessary to protect our environment.                            
       We hope our efforts will make you smile, and perhaps think a little...
       At  time  of  writing,  we’re  also  looking  forward  to  our  February  meeting  where   December
       Elaine  Standfield  will  be  telling  us  all  about  Life  as  a  Shepherdess.    Visitors  are
       always welcome; if you’d like to find out about future meetings, or would just like   The Parish Council met on Thursday 13th December 2018 at the Sports Club. The
                                                                                            next meeting will be on Thursday 10th January at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm. All
       more information about the WI, please contact Di Pitts on 01929 471322.
                                                                                            parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any
                                                                                            matters or concerns at the start of the meeting.

                                                                                            Neighbourhood Plan
                                                                                            We  are  hopefully  nearing  the  end  of  the  6  year  plus  process,  which  has  been
                                                                                            putting  together  our  Neighbourhood  Plan.  The  plan  has  gone  through  Purbeck
                                                                                            District  Council’s  consultation  and  is  now  with  an  independent  examiner,  who
                                                                                            checks it from a neutral point of view and makes sure that everything in there is
                                                                                            correct  and  viable,  and  then  it  will  go  out  to  the  public  again  for  a  final
                                                                                            consultation before the whole village gets a chance to vote on it in a referendum
                                                                                            in May.

                                                                                            Dark Lane Footpath

                                                                                            Dark Lane, which is a path that runs up to Black Hill from Shitterton (see the map
                                                                                            below) is not formally recorded as a right of way on the definitive map of rights of
                                                                                            way in Dorset which can be found at To make it
                                                                                            a  right  of  way,  and  to  ensure  the  right  to  use  it  is  not  lost  we  need  to  gather
                                                                                            evidence that it has been used without any hindrance from 1949 up to today. If
                                                                                            you  have  regularly  used  this  path  in  the  last  20  years,  we  would  urge  you  to
                                                                                            complete  an  evidence  form  which can  obtained  from  Amanda  our  clerk  then

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