Page 24 - br-february-2019
P. 24

February 2019                                                                       February 2019

                                                                                           MILBORNE MOVIES
                                                                                           In Milborne we have 2 events in February:
       The new “Dorset Council”
                                                                                           On Friday the 15th Milborne Movies is showing 'The
       As  I  said in  an  earlier  report  the  new  ward  of  West                       Post'  at  7.30pm;  doors  and  bar  open  7.00pm.
       Purbeck   will   include   Bere   Regis,   Bloxworth,                               Tickets at the door, £3.50.
       Bovington,   East   Burton,   Wool,   Affpuddle   &
       Briantspuddle,  Moreton,  Chaldon  Herring,  Winfrith,                                                      On  Friday  22nd,  for
       East Lulworth, Coombe Keynes and West Lulworth.                                                             halfterm,   we   are
                                                                                                                   hosting  an  Artsreach
                                                                                                                   workshop  from  1.30  to
                                                                                                                   3.30pm.  This  will  be
       Dorset History Centre receives £56K
                                                                                                                   followed  by  a  puppet
       grant for Herrison Hospital archive                                                                         theatre   production
                                                                                                                   from   Angel   Heart
       The  Dorset  History  Centre  has  received  a  grant  of
       over  £56,000  from  the  Wellcome  Trust  -  the  UK’s  leading  medical  research                         Theatre,  4.00  until  5.00pm.  Refreshments  will  be
       charity,  which  will  support  a  year-long  project  to  fully  catalogue  the  Herrison                  available  from  3.30  to  4.00.  Tickets  for  the  workshop
                                                                                                                   are  £3.00;  for  the  performance  they  are  £5  for
       Hospital (the county asylum) archive. The archive dates from 1832 and is of great                           children, £6 for adults and £20 for a family (maximum 2
       interest to researchers and family historians alike. It will be made available to the                       adults and 2 under 18s).
       general public through the Dorset History Centre website. In addition, the funding
       will  allow  a  significant  amount  of  conservation  work  to  take  place  -  cleaning,
       repairing  and  packaging  the  archive  to  assist  in  its  long-term  preservation.  The
       archive consists of 300 boxes of material, including thousands of often poignant
       individual patient records, as well as a wide range of other material  – from the
       hospital’s farm to building plans, and even social activities such as the rounders
       At its peak, Herrison Hospital was home to nearly 1000 patients and only closed its
       doors  in  1992.  The  archive  is  a  fascinating  and  important  resource  for  medical
       and  social  history  and  Dorset  History  Centre  has  been  working  closely  with
       academics from Bournemouth University and the University of Exeter who intend
       to  use  the  collection  for  their  research  as  the  project  unfolds.  It  is  thought  that
       some  of  Herrison’s  archives  were  retained  by  hospital  staff  when  the  institution
       closed its doors. These records could add a further fascinating dimension to the
       history of the hospital.
       Only very recently, Dorset History Centre received some records that had been
       rescued by a former employee, whose son brought them in to join the rest of the
       If you know of any records such as these, Dorset History Centre would like to hear
       from you. To get in touch: email or call 01305-250550
       and ask to speak to an archivist.

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