Page 20 - br-february-2019
P. 20

February 2019                                                                       February 2019

       returned her. If we don't complete this registration before 2026, the right to use this
       path will be lost for ever.

       Open Spaces
       At the last work party, the wildlife group volunteers planted several tree saplings
       outside the school. These were supplied as part of the 'Queen's Commonwealth
       canopy project'. They came to us via our MP and  the Woodland Trust.
       This  project  is  an  initiative  which  was  presented  at  the  last  Commonwealth
       Conference  to  encourage  all  commonwealth  countries  to  join  in  a  world  wide        150g   Self   raising
       tree planting programme and we are pleased to be a small part of this. The work               flour
       party also worked with the lengthsman to tidy up fallen willows near Souls Moor
       bridge. We are always looking for more members for our work party, and meet on               200g Caster sugar
       the first Saturday of each month at the land near the Scout Hut.
                                                                                                    190g  Mixed  dried

       Play Park Maintenance
                                                                                                    70g     Shr ed ded
       We are please to report that we recently purchased 2 new springers for the under-             coconut
       5’s area of the play park, which have now been installed by the lenghtsman. This is
       part of our regular maintenance and improvement  work carried out in the play                125g Melted butter
                                                                                                    1 Large egg beaten

                                                                                                    Icing sugar to dust
       Land swap from Purbeck District Council

       In  preparation    for  the  upcoming  change  to  a  unitary  authority  and  the
       disappearance of Purbeck District Council, there has been a process of town and         Method
       parish councils taking over ownership of areas of land within their regions. We were
       delighted to take over the ownership of the main village car park and the area of       Preheat oven to 180 c
       grass  where  Shitterton  meets  West  Street  and  this  will  mean  that  these  can  be
       more easily maintained by the Parish Council.                                           Grease and line a baking tray 18cm x 27cm with baking paper.

                                                                                               Combine sifted flour, sugar, dried fruit and coconut in a bowl.
       Reporting Defects
                                                                                               Add melted butter and egg until combined.
       Dorset For You has a great tool on their website (
       roads-highways-maintenance/roads-highways-and-maintenance.aspx?                         Spread out on the baking tray.
       folderIds=5543,6301)  for  the  reporting  of  any  defects  such  as  potholes,  flooding,   Cook  for  30mins  until  lightly  browned  and  cooked  when  tested
       overgrown  hedges,  verges  etc,  broken  lights  and  much  more.  Whilst  the  Parish   with a skewer.
       Council  will  always  endeavour  to  assist  in  areas  we  can,  most  problems  which
       occur around the village are the responsibility of either the landowner, or in the      Leave to cool in the tray for ten minutes.
       case of roads, Dorset Highways, and reporting these issues online will always get
       the quickest response.                                                                  Cut into squares or triangles and dust with icing sugar to serve.
                                                                 Bryan Benjafield

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