Page 26 - br-february-2019
P. 26

February 2019                                                                       February 2019

       The election on Thursday May 2nd
       I  will  get  it  right  sometime  soon! I have  given  the  incorrect  date  in  some  of  my
       previous reports! The election for the new Council will take place on Thursday May
       2 .  The  count  will  be  held  at  the  Redlands  Sports  Centre  in  Weymouth  on  the
       following  day  (Friday  3 ).  There  will  also  be  elections  for  all  Parish  and  Town
       councils on the same Thursday and the count for that will also be in Weymouth but
       on  the  Saturday.  Elections for  Parish  and  Town  Councils  will  only  be  held  where
       there are more candidates than seats which is generally less than 5o%

       Toll Increases for the Studland Ferry.
       Purbeck  District  Council  has  welcomed  news  that  the  Secretary  of  State  for
       Transport  has  refused  an  application  for  toll  increases  for  the  Sandbanks  to
       Studland  Ferry.  Following
       objections to the increases
       by   local    residents,
       businesses  and  Purbeck
       District   council,   the
       application    by   the
       Motor  Road  and  Ferry
       Company  was  referred  to
       the Secretary of State who
       decided   that   a   local
       Public  Inquiry  should  be
       held.  The  Inspector  of  the
       Inquiry  has  now  reported
       to The Secretary of State and, on 12 December 2018, confirmation was received
       that  the  application  had  been  refused.  The  Secretary  of  State  agreed  with  the
       Inspector’s  conclusions  that,  although  a  replacement  ferry  will  be  necessary  at
       some  stage,  there  was  no  confirmation  that  a  toll  rise  would  result  in  this  being
       achieved. The Ferry Company must wait at least another 12 months before it can
       make another application.

       Surgeries  are  held  on  the  first  Saturday  of  every  month.  These  are  held  at  the
       communal Lounge in Turberville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. If
       you  cannot  make  one  of  these  please  email  me  and  I  will  arrange  to  come
       around to see you. If you have any questions or queries related to the business of
       Dorset County Council please come along. If anyone wants to contact me and
       cannot get to the surgery my email address is
                                                    Peter Wharf, County Councillor

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