Page 16 - br-february-2019
P. 16

February 2019                                                                       February 2019

                                                                                           a bottle of whisky, chocs wine biscuits etc. too many numbers to note here but
                                OBITUARIES                                                 we hope all prizes were enjoyed. The winning number for (£40)in January was 10.

                PETER SKIDMORE TAYLOR                                                      Bookings
                                                                                           Our  (not  so  new  bookings  secretary  is  proving  herself  to  be  capable  and
        August 29  1935 – January 6  2019
                                                                                           conscientious, there was a slight conniption at the beginning of the year when

                                                                                           bookings seemed a bit slow but all is now moving along happily. Regular users are
        Peter was born in Edgbaston near Birmingham,, the elder of two boys.  During       filling  the  calendar  and  continue  to  be  happy  with  the  facilities  and  service
        the war the family moved first to  East Knowle and then to Bath where he went      offered.  We  look  forward  to  the  elections  being  held  in  May  and  one  or  two
        to  prep  school,  then  finally  to  Bristol  where  his  father  was  involved  with  the   bookings for private events. The hall also continues to fulfil its function as a place
        family leather business.  Peter was educated at Bryanston thus instigating his     for  recreation  and  education,  and  also  for  local  people  to  use  for  personal
        love of Dorset.                                                                    events.  Tere  is  a  revised  telephone  number  to  contact  the  booking  secretary
                                                                                           please now phone: 07512 176292 and your requests will be dealt with promptly.
        After leaving school he did an apprenticeship as an engineer with Bristol Aero
        Engines.    Any  spare  time  was  spent  walking,  climbing  and  caving  on  the   Please  note,  there  was  no  Burns  Night  this  year  as  Rainbarrow  (our  preferred
        nearby Mendips, and further afield on Exmoor, Dartmoor, the Cairngorms and         band) is not available, efforts are currently being made to book them for 2020.
        Skye, and in the Austrian Alps, often with his brother Christopher.

        On  finishing  his  apprenticeship  he  did  his  National  Service  and  was      Improvements
        commissioned  in  to  The  Kings  Shropshire  Light  Infantry,  serving  mainly  in
        Germany.    While  on  an  exercise  in  Denmark  he  made  a  life-long  friend  in                             As  mentioned  previously,  we  have  continued
        Claes Frost, the Danish Liaison Officer, who was later to become godfather to                                    to  make  improvements  to  the  facilities  in  the
        son James.                                                                                                       Hall,  we  have  already  identified  several  areas
                                                                                                                         where  things  could  benefit  from  improvement
        When Peter’s father retired the family moved to Sonning in Berkshire where he                                    for  this  year.  The  hearing  loop  and  sound
        met  Sue,  a  local  famer’s  daughter  who  had  been  cooking  for  his  brother’s                             system are currently being improved, our trestle
        Clare College rowing VIII at the Henley Royal Regatta.                                                           tables (donated to the Hall many years ago by
        Peter and Sue were married in 1965 and with Peter’s love of Dorset and the                                       the Social Club) are in need of updating and
        outdoor life they started  married life in Langton Herring and Peter got a job                                   we  will  be  exploring  replacements,  and  it  has
        with  Mr.  Herd  of  Ilsington  Farm,  Tincleton,  as  assistant  dairyman.    He  later                         been  suggested  that  new  blackout  and
        worked  for  Reg  and  Wilf  Godden  at  Lower  Farm  Langton  Herring,  gaining                                 insulating blinds would be a good addition.
        more  experience  hoping  eventually  to  farm  in  his  own  right.        Joanna  was                          Unfortunately  we  have  lost  our  broadband
        born in 1967, and James in 1969, and Peter started making wooden toys for                                        provision for the building. Much of the cost and
        them.    Unable  to  afford  the  small  farm  he  wanted,  with  land  prices  rising                           function  was  previously  provided  by  Morning
        steeply at this time, it was suggested that he try marketing his toys, which he    Data which has now left the Village. The trustees feel that we cannot justify the
        did with great success, selling to Pollards Toy Museum                             expenditure required for this provision at present as it is rarely asked for or used.
        and Tridias in London and Bath amongst others, and                                 However, should circumstances demand it we will re-examine the issue.
        even  as  far  afield  as  Venezuela.    Various  toys  were

        accepted  in  the  Design  Centre  and  several  were
        chosen for an exhibition of the Best of British Designs                            Artsreach
        at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
                                                                                           The next offering from this ever popular organisation will be on March 2  2019.
        Peter and Sue moved to Briantspuddle in 1970, buying                               Entitled ‘A Night in Vienna’ a musical ensemble from the BSO called ‘Kokoro’ will
        the  old  Bladen  Estate  carpenters  shop,  which                                 entertain  us.  See  separate  article,  Artsreach  or  phone  Jenny  Beedle
        happened  to  have  Bridge  House  as  part  of  the                               (01929471002) for tickets and info.

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