Page 11 - br-february-2019
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February 2019                        February 2019
       Flowers and Cleaning Rota
 IS THIS YOU?     Date:   Flowers:          Cleaning:

       2 February     Susan Woods          Susan Woods
 I would be most grateful if the person who spoke to Phil Ventham some time ago
 about  finding  a  Bladen  Dairy  milk  container  (known  as  a  Sealcone)  in  their   9 February    Christine Rawls     Christine Rawls
 chimney,  presumably  whilst  carrying  out  repairs  or  maintenance  would  be  kind   13 February   Wednesday morning   Special clean
 enough  to  get  in  touch  with  me.  Angie  Talbot  -  09129  472483  or  e-mail    16 February   Penny Haigh

       23 February    Andrea Smith         Andrea Smith
       2 March        Elizabeth Whatley    Doreen Sanderson

 The Annual General Meeting of the Bladen Social Club will take place on the 27
 February  2019  commencing  at  8pm  and  is  open  to  all  current  members  of  the
 social club.   DAY”
 All motions for discussion and determination at the AGM shall be submitted to the
 Secretary at the Bladen Social Club in writing, signed by a proposer and second,   We return to the familiar York Courses for our Lent course in Affpuddle parish this
 no later than Thursday 14  February 2019.   year.  The five sessions will be held on Monday evenings at Hazel Cottage, the
       home of Penny and Jonathan Haigh, from 11  March to 9  April.  The following is
 Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond the club’s control we are not at this
 time able to participate in the Artsreach “Inn Crowd” promotions and the event   quoted from the internet publicity for this course:-
 that we had anticipated for February will not now take place in Briantspuddle.   “The resurrection is the Big Story that turned a little Jewish protest movement into
       a world-transforming religion.  And yet by Easter Monday we’ve almost forgotten
 However   planning   about  it  and  are  planning  our  summer  holidays.    How  can  we  re-capture  the
 for  a  Quiz  night  in   explosive power of the resurrection that ricocheted around the world? How can
 February  and  Race   we live in the glow of the resurrection and be an Easter people?  How can ‘there
 Night  in  March  is   and then’ become ‘here and now’?”
       The course sessions are entitled:
 Details and dates for
 all  these  events  are   1.   Have I got news for you!
 being  finalised  to
 ensure  they  do  not   2.   So what?  The implications of the Resurrection
 clash   with   other   3.   ‘Let him Easter in us’
 v  i  l  l  a  g  e
 entertainment  such   4.   Celebrating and praying Easter
 a s    A r t s r e a c h .
 Please  check  Parish  noticeboards  and  this  magazine  regularly  for  further   5.   A risen Church
 information.   The speakers on the course audio CD include Bishops Tom Wright and Libby Lane,
       Professor  Paul  Vallely,  and  Rev  Ruth  Gee  (former  President  of  the  Methodist
 Peter Talbot , Secretary
       As  usual  there  will  be  a  course  booklet  for  each  member,  and  for  the  session

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