Page 80 - BR December 2023
P. 80

December 2023                                                                       December 2023


                          At  the  November  meeting  of  the  Parish  Council,  the
                          Chairman  conveyed  the  sad  news  that  Parishioner  Mike
                          Menzies  had  died.    Mike  was  very  active  across  the  Parish
                          and  over  many  years  served  on  organisations  including
                          Affpuddle PCC, most recently as Church Warden, the Parish
                          Council  and  the  Village  Hall  Committee.    In  addition,  he
                          found time to help neighbours in all sorts of ways, making him
                          truly irreplaceable.  During Mike’s memorial service, all of the
                          qualities  and  personal  attributes  that  made  Mike  so  unique
                          were  lovingly  brought  to  life  by  his  family  and  friends.    The
                          church was packed to capacity which served to emphasise
                          how  popular  and  special  Mike  was  to  so  many.    Parish
                          Councillors  would  like  to  extend  their  sympathy  to  Mike’s
                          family and friends at this sad time.

                            An  Agenda  item  included  the  notification  of  an  Appeal
                          lodged  by  the  Applicant  of  Battle  Farm.    The  Application,
       which was vigorously objected to by a significant number of residents along with
       the  Parish  Council,  was  for  a  Change  of  Use  of  Battle  Farm  to  B8  (storage  or
       distribution).      The  Application  was  refused  by  Dorset  Council,  the  Appeal  is  to
       overturn the decision.

         Around  50  members  of  the  public  were  present  for  the  Public  Participation
       section of the meeting.  The draft minutes of the meeting can be found on the
       Parish Council section of the Community Website
       The  timetable  for  awarding  S133/137  grants  for  the  2023/24  financial  year  was
       agreed.    The  grant  policy  and  process  (including  an  application  form)  can  be
       found   on   the   Parish   Council   Section   of   the   Community   Website

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