Page 76 - BR December 2023
P. 76

December 2023                                                                       December 2023

       FIRST THURSDAY CLUB                                                                                                        FUNERAL TRIBUTES

       We were not expecting many members to brave
       Storm  “Ciaran”  and  all  the  amber  weather                                                        Michael Norwood
       warnings.    Fortunately  the  worst  of  the  wind  and                                              Menzies
       rain had  passed  through  and we  had  22 people
       turn up.                                                                                              21.11.50 -  20.10.23

       Our  Speaker  Damian  Clark  also  made  it  from  Dorchester  and  he  did  not      Mike Menzies, Churchwarden at St Laurence,
       disappoint.    His  enthusiasm  and  knowledge  for  the  ancient  instruments  of  the   Affpuddle, was remembered at a service of
       Hurdy  Gurdy  and  the  Dulcimer  captivated  our  audience.        He  explained  the   Thanksgiving and Celebration on Friday 10th
       history  of  the  instruments  from  the  Crusades  and  their  arrival  and  development   November 2023.  The church was packed to
       since their arrival in this country.  The Hurdy Gurdy is a forerunner of the bagpipes   overflowing, with standing room only, a
       and  the  Dulcimer,  a  forerunner  of  the  piano.    Damian  demonstrated  the      testament to the love, respect and friendship
       instruments  by  playing  various  songs  and  tunes  and  then  ended  with  a  rousing   for this key member of our community.
       rendition of the Sloop John B.
                                                                                             From Liz McLoughlin, Mike’s elder sister
                                                          Next month we have a
                                                          change  from  Music.               My very first memory is also the time I first met Mike. I was sitting on my mother’s
                                                          Barry Graham from the              knee in the front of the car on the way back from the hospital and I looked
                                                          Dorset  Branch  of  the            over her shoulder to see this little chap - That Michael as I called him - in his
                                                          Rare  Breed  Survival              carrycot on the back seat.
                                                          Trust  is  talking  on  the
                                                          work of the trust in this          As That Michael got older -  brilliantly renaming himself Roger Rex Spellerman -
                                                          area  and  nationally.             I  realised  what  an  asset  a  younger  brother  could  be.  Let’s  face  it  a  Hornby
                                                          He  will  explain  the             Double O is much more fun than dolls or knitting. And the Lion comic was a far
                                                          reasons  why  this  is             better read than the Girl’s Crystal magazine.
                                                          important  particularly            And the bedtime stories! When we were little we shared a bedroom and had a
                                                          f o r     n a t u r e              pact to tell each other bedtime stories. Mine were invariably short and dull. But
                                                          conservation     and               Mike’s were epic – the adventures of two earthworms burrowing their way to
       genetic preservation.   Some Dorset Sheep are on the danger list with numbers of      Australia. The episodes went on and on. Sadly I can’t remember if they ever
       breeding ewes in our famous breeds getting dangerously low. You may discover          got there.
       what a “Somerset Sheeter” is.  (I have not spelt that wrong but I expect it does
       that as well)  I am hoping for better weather and new faces.                          When Mike was 10, I was 13 and Jan the ripe old age of 2, our parents moved
                                                                                             to  London  for  a  while.  Boarding  school  was  not  a  happy  time  for  Mike  and
       The First Thursday club must be the bargain of the month.  There is no subscription   when Mum and Dad moved back up north I used to take Mike out on Sundays
       just turn up on the first Thursday if you are interested.  The cost is £3.00 to include   and provide him with tuck to take back to school. Unfortunately I was going
       tea, the entertainment or talk and a raffle.                                          through a rather porky phase and quite often we would find that the tuck had
       Looking  ahead  into  the  New  Year  we  have  on  Thursday  4   January  the  Sea   been tucked into.
       Shanty Choir.  I am told this choir does some superb renditions of sea shanties.  If   So it was a good job that Mike then escaped to Liverpool College where, as
       you haven’t had enough of Christmas food we will be serving a new year Tea with       Jan  says,  he  seemed  to  be  head  of  pretty  well  everything.  And  then  Surrey
       a fish flavours in the sandwiches .  There will be mince pies and sausage rolls.      University  and  the  foundations  of  the  able  and  knowledgeable  chemical
                                                                                             engineer that he became.

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