Page 78 - BR December 2023
P. 78

December 2023                                                                       December 2023

        BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE                                                        The following year (1993), a party of about 20 Scouts and Leaders from Bere Regis
                                                                                           Scout Group travelled overland to Latvia and helped  run the promised Summer
                                     NEWS                                                  Camp. During the course of the two week visit, we enjoyed home hospitality with
                                                                                           members of the community in Ikskile.
                                                                                           Phil  and Ian Ventham  and  Derek  Boyt  were billeted with  the  village  blacksmith.
       BRIANTSPUDDLE POST                                                                  Having  admired  his  craftsmanship,  we  commissioned  him  to  make  two
                                                                                           candelabra  for  each  of  the  Parish  churches.  They  were  duly  presented  as
       OFFICE AND VILLAGE SHOP                                                             permanent reminders of the link between Dorset and Latvia which continued for
                                                                                           many years with exchange visits of young people who benefitted from the cultural
                                                                                           links. Think of Latvia and the current unrest in that region when you next look at the
       Welcome to both Tim and Brian; Tim is manning the                                   candelabra.
       shop  on  Mondays  and  Brian  has  joined  the                                                                                                 Phil Ventham
       Sainsbury’s delivery team and is also collecting the
       newspapers one day a week. Many thanks to both of them. However, we would
       still appreciate another person joining the newspaper collection team please.

       Christmas arrangements
       We will have extra fruit and veg in the shop from Wednesday 20 December. Meat               Parish Magazine Delivery Subscriptions
       and bread will be available on Saturday as usual, ie 23 December. We will also
       have  some  Christmas  trees  (Nordman  Fir)  from  the  market,  depending  on  size       In mid-December I will send an email notification to all those
       they will be about £25 – that will save you struggling to get one in your car!              who have their magazine delivered each month and for whom I
                                          This  year  we  are  also  offering  hampers             have an email address.  Please don’t make payments until you
                                          made  up  from  the  various  Dorset                     have received this  -  it will show a unique reference number so
                                          produce  items  in  the  shop.  They  are
                                          priced at £15 and will contain:                                  that your payment can be identified correctly.
                                          1 packet of Moores biscuits                               This is the most cost effective way of advising subscribers that
                                          1 bar of Dorset Chocolate                                 their annual payment of £10 is due for 2024.  Bank transfer
                                          1 packet of Dorset Fudge                                   payments are encouraged to reduce administration, record
                                          1  jar  of  Moonraker  Jam/Marmalade/                    keeping and to speed up the process.  Please ensure that I have
                                          1 packet of Dorset Tea                                     your up to date contact information and if you have never
                                                                                                   provided your email for this, perhaps you’d be kind enough to
                                                                                                                let me have it as soon as possible.

       all presented in a gift-wrapped basket;                                                     If you do not do internet banking, your delivery volunteer will
       there is an example hamper in the shop
       so  you  can  see  what  it  looks  like.  You                                                 include a payment notification with the delivery of your
       can  select  different  flavours  of  biscuits,                                                                 January magazine.
       chocolate,  preserves  and  chutneys
       from  the  range  in  stock.  Other  sized                                                                        Many thanks.
       hampers  can  be  ordered  –  leave  us
       your name and phone number and Jo                                                                    Alison  -  Editor  -

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