Page 84 - br-dec-2022
P. 84

December 2022                       December 2022

       problems in the parish.  As a first step, the traffic group – Damon Green and Emily
       Hall (both Parish Councillors) plus Mark Harris and Dawn & Peter Leatherdale – will
       progress the creation of a Community Speed Watch scheme, commencing with
       training  given  by  a  dedicated  CSW  coordinator.  We  will  be  in  touch  with
       parishioners  who  have  expressed  interest  in  taking  part  once  dates  have  been
       We  will  then  need  to  consider  how  to  proceed  with  other  matters  which  have
       attracted  widespread  support  while  bearing  in  mind  that  the  purpose  is  to
       improve quality of life in the parish and not undermine it with excessive measures.
       Use  of ’20 is  Plenty’ signs  - supported  by 73% of respondents  -  does not  require
       consent  from  any  authority  (noting  that  this  idea  attracted  some  negative
       comments).  However, changing speed limits and increasing the areas covered
       by speed limit zones are matters that we will first consult on with the Parish Council
       –  there  is  clear  and  widespread  support  for  change  among  parishioners  (and
       elsewhere in the country) – but achieving these will take time and perseverance!
       In  this  we  take  encouragement  from  traffic  related  developments  at  Dorset
       Council as recently reported in the Dorset Echo.
       Opol – our parish – our lives

                                               Briantspuddle Village Hall

                                                 Registered Charity number 288210

                                               100 PLUS CLUB

                                             WINNING NUMBER
                                              FOR NOVEMBER IS


 6                                           83
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89