Page 89 - br-dec-2022
P. 89

December 2022                                                                       December 2022
        DATES FOR
                                                                                            NEWS ABOUT YOUR PARISH MAGAZINE
                YOUR DIARY

        2022                                                                                A letter from the Editor
                                                                                            As we come to the end of yet another year  -  I’m sure
                                                                                            time goes so much more quickly as I get older, it’s a good
             Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute     opportunity  for  me  to  review  all  our  income  and
                                                                                            expenditure  for  the  magazine.  Whilst we  are still  able to
             Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place    Twinning      Gardening Club            contribute  a  good  sum  each  year  to  church  funds,  the
                                                                                            profitability  of  the  magazine  has  decreased  significantly
                                                                                            in  the  last  couple  of  years,  with  rising  print  and  paper
                    December                                                                costs.  We  still  have  many  readers  who  prefer  the  hard
                                                                                            copy,  although  I  am  incredibly  indebted  to  the  Bere  Regis  webmaster,  Rod
                                                                                            Osmond,  who  voluntarily  devotes time each  month to  converting it  to  a digital
             1st    Phil Griffin -  Dorset Air Ambulance                                    booklet  that  can  be  read  on-line  via  the  village  websites.    This  version  is  in  full
                                                                                            colour so the reproduction of photographic content is greatly improved.
             14th   Salisbury Christmas Shopping
                                                                                            We are so fortunate in having such a tremendous range of contributions which all
                                                                                            go to making the magazine a varied and interesting read, and I am grateful to all
         SP   15th   Salt and Pepper Club                                                   our ‘correspondents’ for their literary efforts as well as to our advertisers for their

                                                                                            continued support.
             15/16/17  Christmas Shows  -  Thu-6pm, Fri-7pm, Sat-2pm
             th                                                                             Following recent discussions with both PCCs, the decision has been taken that we
                                                                                            now need to increase the price of the magazine.  It has been at its current price
             21st   Christmas Lights with Fish and Chip supper  -  leave at                 of  75p  per  copy  (£8  a  year  for  subscribers)  for  ten  years.  With  effect  from  the
                    5.30pm                                                                  January 2023 issue, the cover price will be £1.00.  However, annual subscribers will
                                                                                            benefit  from  a  discounted  rate  of  £10  per  year,  which  includes  delivery  to  the
             23rd   Christmas Fun Morning.  All welcome                10-12                door.  We are extremely grateful to all our dedicated band of distributors who get
                                                                                            your magazine to you each month, come rain or shine.  By the time you read this,
                                                                                            I will have emailed all subscribers (for whom we have contact details) to advise of
                          FIRST THURSDAY CLUB  -  dates for 2023                            the payment due.  If we don’t have your email address, your deliverer will drop a
                                                                                            note through your door
       5  January 2023   Kevin Anderson (aka the growling fruitcake) ‘an afternoon          Finally, as we haven’t changed advertising rates since 2019, I will be making some
                        getting wasted’                                                     increases to rates for 2023 and these will be shown in the renewal letters which will
                                                                                            be going out to our valued advertisers shortly.  Parish Magazines are known to be
       2  February, 2023   Tony Bates ‘Bere Regis then and now’                             the most effective form of local advertising, and the fact that annual advertisers
                                                                                            also  have  their  details  included  on  both  village  websites,  makes  it  even  more
       2  March 2023    Simon Goddard ‘Seasonal walk round Bere Regis’                      beneficial.  Our local traders and businesses really appreciate your support.
                                                                                            I  would  like  to  wish  everybody  a  very  Happy  Christmas  and  a  peaceful  and
       6  April 2023      Phil Morgan  and Ian Ventham   ‘Bees and Beekeenping
                                                                                            prosperous New Year.
       4  May 2023       Jo Belasco ‘Dorset legends and landmarks’                          Warmest wishes
                                                                                            Alison Debenham, Editor   01929 471780
       1  June 2023     David Bailey ‘wildlife photographer’

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