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December 2022                                                                       December 2022

       was 21 years old.
                                                                                            REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 2022
       Frederick  Burgess,  Army  Service  Corps,  died  from  wounds  sustained  during  the
       Battle of Loos, on 18 November 1915 at the age of 33. He left a widow and four
       young daughters at 48 West Street, Bere Regis.                                       On  Sunday  13   of November Bere Regis  villagers gathered again  to remember
                                                                                            those that gave there lives for our freedom.  We started at the scout hut, where
       William  Burt  was  born  in  Bere  Regis  and  lived  in  Shitterton.  He  served  with  the   lots of smartly dressed Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers came together to form
       Hampshire Regiment and  was killed in action on the 26 October 1918, ten days        a  procession.  Lead  by  a  drummer,  to  keep  us  on  beat,  and  followed  by  other
       before the end of the war. He was 21 when he died and was an only son.               members of our community. We marched up Manor Farm Road and along West
       Charles Churchill was born in Milborne St Andrew. He enlisted, under age, at 15½
       into  the  5th  Battalion,  Dorsetshire  Regiment.  He  was  17  when  he  was  sent  to
       Gallipoli and just 18 when he was killed on the 21 August 1915.
       Percy  Cobb  was  born  in  Bere  Regis  and  lived  at  Court  Green  Farm.  He  was  a
       Corporal in the Royal Field Artillery and was killed on the 14 April 1917. He was 19
       years old.
       Percy  Cox  served  with  the  1   Battalion,  Dorsetshire  Regiment  and  died  on  11
       August 1918 during the Battle of Amiens, at the age of 22.
       His brother, William Cox, was a ship’s cook on HMS Good Hope and died on1st
       November 1914, aged 28, when his ship was sunk with the loss of all 1000 sailors
       during the Battle of Coronel, the first naval engagement of the Great War.

       Arthur Crabbe served with the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry and was killed in
       action on the 2 April 1918 at the age of 36. His parents lived at Roke Farm.
       Fred  Davis  was  born  in  Bere  Regis  and  lived  with  his  widowed  mother  and  8
       siblings  in  West  Street,    opposite  the  Royal  Oak.  He  emigrated  to  Canada  and
       enlisted in the Canadian Army. He was killed on the 13 June 1916 during the Battle
       for Mount Sorrell. He was 26 years old. He was a cousin of Frank Miller.
                                                                                            Many residents came out
       Frank George was born in Bere Regis and was a son of the landlord of the Royal       of  their  houses  to  watch
       Oak. He was a cousin of Thomas Hardy.  He was a Second Lieutenant in the 5           and  pay  their respects  to
       Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment and was killed in Gallipoli, at the age of34, on the   the  fallen.  As  the  parade
       22 August 1915, in the same action as 3 other men from Bere Regis.                   reached  the  church,  we
                                                                                            all  gathered  around  the
       Frederick Johnson was born in Bere Regis and lived in West Street. He emigrated      war   memorial   in   the
       to Canada and enlisted in the Canadian Forces. He was killed on 6 June 1916 at       church  yard.  This  was  a  time  of  reflection  as  we  remembered  solders  in  WW1,
       the  age  of  27  together  with  200  other  soldiers  when  a  mine  was  exploded   WW2 and  those closer to our hearts that have served for our country.  After the
       beneath their trench at Hooge, near Ypres. He is commemorated on the Menin
       Gate Memorial to 55,000 men who were killed in the Ypres Salient and who have        two minuets silence at 11 o’clock, the Scout flag bearers lead the gathering into
                                                                                            the church. While inside the church, Reverend Jenny lead us in a time of worship
       no known grave.                                                                      and the live band accompanied us with hymns and our national anthem.
       Percy Lockyer was born in Bere Regis and lived at Lane End, Middle Heath as a
       thatcher’s assistant, He was killed on 14 April 1917 at the age of 34 while serving   The Explorers read out the names of the soldiers from our parish that lost their lives
                                                                                            in World War 1 and 2. We heard a bit of the story of each of these soldiers, about
       with the 1  Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment. He is commemorated on the Thiepval      their families and where they lived, their ages when they signed up to fight for our
       Memorial.                                                                            country and sadly the age they died. Some of our men were just boys when they

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