Page 48 - br-dec-2022
P. 48

December 2022                       December 2022


       Here are the details of the names of the young men from the parish who made
       the  ultimate  sacrifice  during  the  two  World  Wars  and  read  out  by  the  Explorer
       Scouts at the Remembrance Service. The information was researched during the
       Remember  Them  Project  undertaken  by  the  local  Scout  Group  in  2007  to  add
       more meaning to the list of names read out during the Service.

       William  Ames was born in Bere Regis and lived at Skippets. He served in the 5th
       Battalion  of  the  Dorsetshire  Regiment  and  was  killed  in  the  attack  on  Mouquet
       Farm during the Battle of the Somme on 14 October 1916 He was 21 years old.

       Alfred  Applin  was  born  in  Bere  Regis  and  lived  at  Rye  Hill.  He  served  in  the  5
       Battalion of the Dorsetshire Regiment. He died on the 8  May 1920 as a result of
       wounds sustained during the war. He was 34 years old.
       Frederick Bartlett was a Lance Corporal in the Gordon Highlanders. His family lived
       at Barrow Hill. He died on the 18 July 1916 at the age of 26 and is commemorated
       on the Thiepval Memorial to the 72,000 men who were killed during Battle of the
       Somme and whose have no known grave.
        Frederick Bartlett was born in Athelhampton and lived at Southbrook. He served
       in the King’s Liverpool Regiment and died in the UK on the 16 July 1918, possibly
       from disease contracted while serving.
       George Bowditch was born in Briantspuddle and lived in the Old School House,
       Shitterton. He served in the Coldstrem Guards and was killed in Normandy in June
       1944 at the age of 19. He is buried in the same cemetery as Frederick Lovell who
       was killed 12 days later.
       Fred  Brierley  was  born  in  Bere  Regis  and  lived  at  The  Kennels,  Bere  Down.  He
       served in the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry and was killed in action on the 26
       November  1917  during  the  Battle  of  Cambrai.  He  is  commemorated  on  the
       Cambrai Memorial to the 7,000 men who have no known grave. He was 20 years
       Charles Bright was born in Bere Regis and lived at Shitterton. He served in the 5
       Battalion of the Dorsetshire Regiment. He was killed in action in Gallipoli on the 21
       August 1915 on the same day as four other men from Bere Regis. He was 22 years

       Henry Bright, half-brother of Charles Bright, was a farm labourer from Shitterton. He
       served  in  the  Royal  Fusiliers  and  was  killed  on  the  13  October  1916  during  the
       Battle of the Somme. He was 37 years old.
       Harry Brown was born in Bere Regis and lived at Roke Farm Cottages. He served in
       the 5  Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment and died from wounds sustained during the
       battle of the Somme. He died in one of the base hospitals at Etaples, France. He

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