Page 47 - br-dec-2022
P. 47

December 2022                                                                       December 2022

       signed up and even just boys when they died, and it was very poignant to listen
       to their stories.
       Our  Explorer  scouts  have  done  a  lot  of  work  researching  the  names  of  those
       soldiers that fought from our villages. We have even found the places that some
       of these men have been laid to rest out in France and Belgium. We feel it is very
       important  to  learn  the  stories  behind  these  names  and  to  share  this  with  the
       community  so  that  they  are  never  forgotten.  While  the  names  of  these  men
       where being read out the Beaver Scouts laid a poppy at the front of the church,
       one for each life lost.

       ‘They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them,
       nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will
       remember them.’
       The  Scout  group  invited  the community  back to the  hut  for refreshments.  While
       there we did some investing of our new members into each of our sections. We all
       then had the opportunity to renew our promise to our new patron, King Charles lll.
       There was a further small presentation to two of our leaders that have given many

                                                            Photo credits for
                                                            centre spreads  -
                                                           Julien Lightfoot and
                                                            Alison Debenham

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