Page 14 - br-dec-2020
P. 14

December 2020                                                                       December 2020
                                                                                           A moment to say ‘Thank You’
                                                                                           The  pandemic  has  brought  out  the  best  response  across  our  small  rural
                                                                                           community.  I have been made aware of how much the contributions of both
                 Ivor Mullins                                                              groups and individuals has meant to so many.  On behalf of the Parish Council I
                                                                                           would like to thank everyone who has helped in any way they could throughout
         It is  sad  that  COVID-19 has  coincided  with  Dads  departing.   I  am  sure  we   the last 9 months.  Let’s hope for a better year ahead.
         would have had a full house if this were not the case as Ivor seemed to be a

         very popular man.
                                                                                           Next Meeting
         Can I ask you to take 10 seconds of your time to think of a word that you
         think best describes Ivor? I asked my wife Sally her word which was “loud”        The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7pm on Wednesday 9th
         and no one can disagree with that.  You always knew when Ivor was in the          December. Please check the Parish Council section of the Community  Website
         room.                                                                             nearer the time for the agenda and information about how to join the meeting
                                                                                           which will be held remotely. Members of the public wishing to raise issues or make
         I  am  quite  sure  that  many  of  the  words  you  have  considered  have  been   representation in respect of any agenda item will have an opportunity to do so at
         included  in  the  wonderful  sympathy  letters  we  have  received  and  will  be   the meeting. Alternatively, anyone who wishes to may contact the Parish Clerk in
         expressed throughout the day.
                                                                                           advance of the meeting. Ideally correspondence should be received at least a
         Ivor,  or  if  you  really  wanted  to  wind  him  up  you  call  him  Jasper  was  an   week in advance as it will not be possible to add items to the agenda once it has
         extremely proud and driven man he was proud of his working achievements,          been set.
         climbing  the  financial  ladder  through  grit  and  determination  an  ethos  he                                                     Sue Jones, Chairman
         never forgot.  He was fiercely independent, and he initially found it extremely
         hard to leave this behind and to accept the challenges upon entering Mile
         Oak  Rest  Home.    Dad  was  a  gregarious  and  outward  going  person  who
         loved a joke with all.
         Ivor was born in 1930 to Reg and Alice at Dewlish, not five miles up the road
         from where we are today, where Reg was head gardener.  This is where Dad
         and his sister got their names from, as Jasper and Genris were Lord and Lady
         of the manor house. They subsequently moved when Reg took up a similar
         position at Winterbourne Anderson Manor,
         We are lucky to be celebration his 90 years for when he was just seven he
         was  desperately  ill  with  TB  and  he  always  said  it  set  him  back  with  his
         schooling and consequently, in his opinion, a grammar school education.
         The wartime was a good time for the family with the manor being taken over
         by the US  Army.  Food and services were plentiful. Dad always said it was
         harder for the family directly after the war as this was
         when the effects of rationing really hit home.
         He  did  his  National  Service  in  the  early  1950’s  and
         saw active service in the payroll corp.  So, the only
         thing he fired in anger was a pen.

         After  his  national  service  he  worked  for  Express
         Dairies  in  the  offices  at  Milbourne  St  Andrew,  and
         latterly  in  his  career,  on  the  road  as  an  internal

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