Page 11 - br-dec-2020
P. 11

December 2020                       December 2020

 brought human kindness and thoughtfulness to the front as we as a community
 have looked out for one another and as such it’s a pleasure to be a part of this   OTHER CHURCHES NEWS
 Day to day we still have issues to resolve and plans to make and we the trustees of
 the village hall are doing everything within our power to bring some form of festive
 cheer to the parish. Everything is subject to current regulations, a topic used nearly   Sundays  10.30am    Morning  Service    taken  each  week  by    visiting
 as much as the weather in our regular conversations these days.
 All  things  being  equal  and
 permissible  the  village  hall     Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting
 intends  to  put  on  its  annual   Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer
 Christmas Fayre albeit with some
 variations.  The  Fayre  will  take   Toddler Group has had to cease again because of the further lockdown.
 place  between  11am  and  3pm
 on  the  6   December.  The  stalls   Our  Sunday  morning  service  is  shown  live  on  You  Tube.    Our  Youth
 will  be  outside  this  year  selling   meeting  and  Bible  study  are  held  via  zoom,  with  others  joining  us,  a
 items  from  knitted  gifts  to   number of whom live too far away to  ever be able to join us in person.
 Christmas   trees   with   the   God  has  brought  good  out  of  the  current  situation,  via  modern
 opportunity   to   order   your   technology.
 Christmas meat from the shop and a stall where you’ll be able to order a delivery
 of logs to warm your hearth as you listen to the Queens speech.
       If  the  current  lockdown  restrictions  end  on  December  2   as  planned,  then  our
 The village hall café will be providing turkey rolls with stuffing and cranberry sauce,   Sunday services will restart with attendance at the Church on 6  December.  Our
 mulled wine, tea coffee and cake. There will be strict track and trace procedures   ‘Carol Service’ will be held on Sunday 20  December at 10.30am.  It will be difficult
 in place and stall holders and members of the public will be asked to wear face   to  have  a  ‘Carol’  Service  if  we  cannot  sing  the  carols,  but  we  still  intend  to
 coverings as they enter the car park from the road and to keep them on at all   celebrate  the  birth  of  Jesus,  and  will  find  ways  to  make  it  a  joyful  and  fulfilling
 times other than when seated in the main hall and being served at your tables. All   occasion as we usually do.
 tables  sanitised  and  chair  covers  replaced  between  each  and  every  use  and
 those working in the kitchen and serving you will also be wearing gloves and using
 face coverings.    The Waiting Time
 There will be a covid19 protocol in place along the same lines as you are currently   There  have  always  been  people  waiting  ......  maybe  for  a  house  to  live in,  or  a
 used to with additional hand sanitiser at entrances and exits. Please come along   baby to be born.  Maybe for the result of a medical test, or for news from family
 and join us if you feel comfortable doing so and please be extra considerate to   living far away.  And this year who would have thought that we would be waiting
 others  around  you  maintaining  social  distancing  from  those  not  in  your  specific   for ‘lockdown’ to end.
 group. We are hoping contrary to
    my  comments  last  month  that   We’ve all experienced it.  It can be, and is, a trying time.  And as we wait we ask
 Santa will be able to find the time   questions.  Why and how has this pandemic happened?  Why can’t we visit our
 to  meet  with  children  and   loved ones?  Why is the world in such a mess?  Why do some people randomly kill
 parents in the grotto “virtually”.    other people?  What causes such awful things to happen?  Does anyone care?  Is
       anyone in control?
 Providing the connection with the
 North Pole is good he is intending   There is Someone in control, but He does not use His power in the way that men
 to  be  able  to  zoom  into  the   use  force.  He  has  supreme  authority,  but  He  rules  by love,  and  He  proved  it  by
 grotto and share some Christmas   becoming one of us. That is what we remember at this time of waiting and then
 joy.  He  is  being  very  careful  to   celebration of Christmas, that Jesus was born as a baby, in just the same way that

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