Page 13 - br-dec-2020
P. 13

December 2020                       December 2020


 Dark  nights,  rain,  smoky  fires,  it  must  be  November,
 but  as  I  write  this,  I  am  very  hopeful  that  a  festive
 period is around the corner.
 The shop is gearing up for Christmas and if you’ve not
 been  in  to  see  the  “pop  up”  Christmas  shop  in  the
 village  hall  then  please  do.  We  have  a  great
 selection  of  Christmas  cards,  chocolates  and  some
 small Christmas gifts to help with the shopping whilst
 we can’t get out to the shops in town. We have tried
 to buy locally and keep the prices as low a possible.
 So please come along and buy your Christmas treats.
 We  are  also  taking  part  in  the  planned  Christmas  Fayre  (which  we  have
 everything crossed can go ahead). We will have the shop open for the duration
 of the fayre. Bridget’s our fruit and veg supplier will be with us selling locally grown
 Christmas trees, wreaths and other goodies. So please come along and support
 us.  Alongside the Village Hall committee, we are putting everything in place to
 make the fayre covid safe.
 We  have  a  great  group  of  volunteers  who  make  “opening  up”  possible  from
 buying  and  collecting  the stock,  putting  it  on  the  shelves,  working in  the  shop,
 cleaning and all the other activities. We are always looking out for new volunteers
 to join us. We currently need people to work in the shop during the week. It can
 be as little as once a fortnight (any-less and in our experience, you’ll forget the
 price  of  carrots  in  between).  Full  training  is  given  and  during  the  week  there’s
 always someone in the post office so you’re not alone. It is a great way to meet
 people in the parish and to play a part.
 As  a  committee  we  are  thrilled  with  the  support
 which  has  been  given  to  the  shop  and  absolutely
 want to continue to provide the wide range of fresh
 fruit,  vegetables  and  meat  alongside  the  non-
 perishable  goods  we  buy  from  Sainsburys.  With  this
 increase in stock we recognise it won’t run itself and
 so we are looking for a volunteer to pick up a “co-
 ordinator”  role.  This  person  will  need  to  be  able  to
 take an active interest in the day to day running of
 the shop but it is not intended that they would need
 to  be  in  the  shop  every  day  neither  will  they  be

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