Page 47 - br-dec-2019
P. 47

December 2019                       December 2019

 Movement to Music at the Pop In Place on Monday Mornings
 (Upper Hall )

 We are a friendly group meeting Mondays 9.30am for 40 minutes; it is for anyone
 who wants to take a little more exercise but is not mega fit. The sessions will be led
 by one of our team Julie Lye who has a choreography background and designed
 routines especially for this client group with suitable music and movement.
 We are asking for a £4 fee per person per week.. You are very welcome to visit
 the Pop In Place Community Café after the class for refreshments.
 Come along and give it a try, you will be made very welcome.

 Pop In Place Community Café
 There is a warm welcome for all at the Pop In Place Community Café we operate
 the café’s on Monday and Friday mornings 10am until 12 noon. On the Friday we
 have  Bere  Regis  Watercress  at  50p  a  bunch  when  in  season.  There  is  a  pound
 shop set up in the foyer.  If you live within the Parish and would you like transport
 to the Pop In Place Telephone Alison 472023 who will arrange it for you.

 Community Shed Project Update

 We are currently arranging to formalize our legal standing to enable us to fit the
 criteria  set  out  to  take  on  the  tenancy  this  has  caused  a  short  delay  but  I’m
 hopeful to report early in the new year that we have moved forward and signed
 up. In the meantime if anyone feels that they have any leadership skills and some
 previous experience in health and safety and running a workshop we are looking
 to appoint team leaders to help to supervise sessions at the shed, can you please
 give me a ring 01929472023

 Please Check out Pop In Place Website Thanks to Rod Osmond
 who has updated our website and it is looking great check it out

 We  finish our sessions on Monday 16  Dec and return in the new Year on Monday
 6  January
 We wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas and ask that you may find a little
 time to pop in and visit someone who lives alone  -   a card a few mince pies and
 a  small  chat  could  really brighten  up  a  day  …………….  just  find  the  time  to be
 kind !
 Alison Bennett,  Telephone  01929 472023,

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