Page 46 - br-dec-2019
P. 46

December 2019                                                                       December 2019


       Dorset Council Trading Standards Service check and approve
       businesses so you don’t have to.
       For more information visit or
       call 08454 040506.
       To report or seek advice about problems you have
       experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.

       Christmas shopper? Remember your online safety checks
       Consumers could be putting themselves at risk of online fraud this Christmas.  Past
       research  has  shown  that more  than  two  thirds  of  those  surveyed  leave  out  key
       checks when shopping online.
       Simple  online  shopping  safety  checks  include:  look  for  signs  that  the  website  is
       using a secure encrypted connection, the little padlock sign should be showing to
       the left of the website address; read the seller’s returns policy; search for reviews
       about both the seller and the product you’re buying; bad spelling or grammar on
       a website can be a sign of a scam; look for a land line number and a head office

       When  people  were  asked  for  the
       reasons  why  they  had  not  safety
       checked websites when shopping their
       responses varied but included ‘being in
       a  rush’  or  ‘looking  for  the  cheapest
       offer’. Fraudsters like people to rush into
       buying  something  without  first  taking
       reasonable  checks,  they  also  promote
       goods cheaply to draw shoppers in.

       Purchasing products via social media is
       notoriously risky as it’s hard to police and it’s awash with misleading advertising,
       counterfeit and unsafe products, subscription traps and other scams.
       As we approach the festive season take time when buying online and do take
       some simple steps before pressing the ‘purchase’ button.
       If you have a concern regarding something you buy then you can contact the
       Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06. As well as giving you advice,
       the  consumer  helpline  can  pass  information  about  complaints  on  to  Trading
       Standards to investigate.

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