Page 37 - br-december-2018
P. 37

December 2018                       December 2018

                                                    sang lots of different songs like
                                                    ‘I Am Moana’ from the movie
                                                    Moana  and  ‘Castle  on  the
                                                    Hill.’  by  Ed  Sheeran  we  also
                                                    played   karaoke   kingdom
                                                    where you have to guess the
                                                    song.  Lucy  Roberts  taught  us
                                                    about    harmonies     and
                                                    breathing   techniques,   to
                                                    make   our   singing   better.
                                                    Singing  will  continue  in  all

        three  of  our  Apprentice  Afternoons
        this  term,  culminating  in  our  carol
        service in December.
        Some of us took part in knitting. It was
        very complicated. Dylan said, “It was
        great fun I loved it. I did some knitting
        and it was very calming.”
        Others  enjoyed  a  fantastic  first  aid
        apprentice and had great fun! “I did
        first aid and we used tomato ketchup
        for blood! I also pretended that I cut
        myself with a knife,”  a year six boy called Tommy said, “That was super cool!”
        But this is where we need you!
        If you are good at one certain skill or a trade and want to meet all of us at Bere
        Regis  School  and  if  you  would  be  kind  enough  to  volunteer,  contact
        (  or  call  01929  471334.  You  would  only  need  to
        commit to coming to join us on one afternoon, for about 90 minutes. You do not
        necessarily need a DBS check, as we can work alongside you. If you think there’s
        a chance you might be able to help, please, just get in touch with Miss Gibbs
        (our Deputy Head Teacher) or Mrs Dale in the office to talk it over.

        Thank you so much,
        Bere Regis Primary School Counsellors

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