Page 32 - br-december-2018
P. 32

December 2018                                                                       December 2018

                                                                                            Contact Us
        Beaver News
                                                                                            If  you  would  like  to  know  more  about  the  work  of  the  Wildlife  Group  or  to  be
        To round off the first half term the Beavers put on a  spectacular play of  Arthur   included on our mailing list, please contact:
        Conan  Doyle's  Lost  World.  They  did  brilliantly  with  acting,  singing  and
        puppeteering, and together we produced a great evening's entertainment and          Tony Bates at /  01929 471563 or
        raised some about £220 for the Explorers' Borneo fund.  Many thanks to Bere Regis
        School or lending us the staging, and to all the leaders, young leaders, scouts and   Mike Gee at / 0775 988 4942.
        parents  who  helped,  and  all  those  who  came  to  watch.    This  has  given  the
        beavers a massive confidence boost which will set them up for future activities in
        their lives.
                                                                                            BERE REGIS WI
        A group of us also visited PGL in October, and tried out giant zip wire, climbing,
        archery, fencing, street surfing and much more!
                                                                                           During  our  Centenary  Celebrations  in
        In November the focus for the colony has shifted towards the Faith badge, which    August,  we  were  reminded  that  one  of
        fits well with the Remembrance Day activities for the First  World  War centenary   the  early  meetings  of  the  Bere  Regis  WI
        which we are all be marking as a Group.  This includes a visit to the church and   featured  a  talk  on  keeping  rabbits.
        understanding about how the various things they see are used in worship.           Perhaps in sub-conscience tribute to this,
                                                                                           in our September meeting we welcomed
        We are also doing a winter night hike which the Young Leaders are organising,
        along with craft and music projects to bring us to Christmas!  Beavers is always   Lisa and her assistant Vicky from The Creature Teachers and some of their animals.
        fun, and very varied!                                                              Echo the barn owl, who has been raised by Lisa from a chick, broke the ice by
                                                                                           flying to each of the ladies in turn and landing on their arm. Next up were a milk
                                                                                           snake and Zeb and Abe the bearded dragons, who were pleased to be stroked
        Scout Hut Hire                                                                     by  everyone  who  wished  to.  Ernie  and  Fraggle  the  ferrets  needed  more
        The  Scout  Hut  is  available  for  hire,  particularly  during  the  daytime  –  rates  from   encouragement, in the form of a special protein paste, to sit still but were equally
        £7.50 per hour.   For more information, please contact Andrea Marshall on 01929    pleased to soak up as much attention as was offered. Last, but by no means least,
        472588 or 0788 422 6445,                            we met Zeus the unbelievably soft and docile chinchilla.
                                                                                           All the animals, some of which had been rescued and some re-homed, were a
                                                                                           credit  to  Lisa  and  Vicky.  They  were  all  content  and  comfortable  with  being
        Logs for Sale
                                                                                           handled and in great condition. Lisa and Vicky were excellent, knowledgeable
        Bags of seasoned logs are £30.00 and bundles of kindling are £1.00  Proceeds to    speakers  who  passed  on  a  wealth  of  information  about  the  creatures  in  a
        Group Funds – contact Bernie Lightfoot on 01929 472007.                            humourous and engaging manner.
                                                                                           In October, we gave a warm welcome to Mechelle, our surgery nurse from the

                                                                                           Bere Regis practice who, it seemed, already knew almost every lady in the room –
        Contact us
                                                                                           and their husbands, children and grandchildren.
        If  anyone  would  like  further  information  about  Bere  Regis  Scout  Group  or  the
        Kingsbere  Explorer  Scout  Unit,  all  the  contact  details  for  the  individual  sections   In  addition  to  performing  duties  within  the  surgery,  Mechelle  is  often  out  and
                                                                                           about in the community, delivering care within people’s homes, and this was the
        (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers) are available in the village directory at the
        back of this magazine.  General enquiries and offers of help/assistance: Neal Unitt  focus of her presentation to the group. In particular, Mechelle focused on a new
        -Jones on 01929 472273.                                                            initiative recently launched by the practice – a home health check. This is aimed
                                                                                           at patients with documented long term health conditions and anyone aged over
        Scout Group Publicity: Andrea Marshall on 01929 472588 and Helen Unitt-Jones on    sixty  five  who  wishes  to  take  part,  with  the  objective  of  identifying  where  the
        01929 472273.                                                                      practice  can  offer  advice  and  assistance  and  perhaps  therefore  reduce  the
                                                                                           burden on carers and even prevent hospital admissions.

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