Page 62 - BR August 2023
P. 62

August 2023                                                                          August 2023

       they sell out. There will be a light supper included and the bar will be open with   FROM THE AFFPUDDLE CHURCHWARDEN
       real ale,  fine wine and good range of other refreshments. With an opportunity to
       get up and dance supper off for those who would like to, alternatively just sit back
       relax and enjoy the evening.
                                                                                            Two, too, to, tu
       Open  gardens  2024.  If  I
       haven’t spoken to you yet and                                                        Does your audio encoder have difficulty disseminating between close sounding
       you’d  like  to  offer  to  include                                                  words,  (or  are  your  hearing  aid  batteries  running  out)?  What  would  it  type  if  it
       your  garden  then  please  let                                                      heard  you  say  -  “I’ve  made  a  cup  of  tea  and  I’ve  made  you  one  too”?
       me  know.  We  would  also  like                                                     Some of you who know me know that I have a passion for Mendeleev’s periodic
       to  enlarge  the  organising                                                         table of the elements. It starts with hydrogen, No.1, which I’m sure you all know.
       team to include a few people                                                         Relevant  at  the  moment  for  batteries  is  Lithium  which  is  No.3.  But  the  feature
       not on the hall committee and                                                        which interests me is that everything is in twos. The elements all have a nucleus
       so  if  you’d  like  to  be  involved                                                surrounded  by  electron  shells.  In  each  electron  shell  there  are  two  electrons
       in  that  I’d  love  to  hear  from                                                  (orbiting in opposite directions). If the electron shell doesn’t have two electrons it
       you.  We  need  to  get  the  ball                                                   borrows one from a neighbouring atom. They form a bond which is either ionic or
       rolling during September so as                                                       covalent.
       to  have  everything  organised                                                      Life can be  compared  with  this.  A husband  and wife  can share  together.  “I’ve
       for  a  spectacular  return  to                                                      made you a cup too”. There are good loving times in a marriage, and children
       open  gardens.  We  are  so                                                          can  share  this  love.  Same  gender  couples  have  the  same  affection,  but  they
       privileged to live in the beauty we are surrounded by and to be able to share that   can’t have children – yes, they can. I’m sure adopted children would reap the
       with others whilst raising healthy funds is to good an opportunity to miss. Well that’s   affection of such a family life. So, electron bonding can be ionic or covalent. So
       what I tell Ali as she weeds the borders of the same weeds for the umpteenth time    too can parenting.
       this summer.
                                                                                            As  a  grandfather I  am  enjoying  the  development  of  my  two  grandsons.  One  is
       It’s  also  a  really  good  opportunity  for  the  whole  parish  to  come  together  work   beginning  to  learn  French.  I  hope  he  soon  learns  how  the  French  have  the
       hard  and  celebrate  equally  as  hard  at  the  after  event  party.  There  are  some   advantage of the singular form of you “tu” is different from the plural “vous”. We
       really exciting ideas already coming out of conversations for a great event so let’s   don’t  have  that  feature  in  English.  We  use  the  “polite”  form  of  “you”  for  both
       all get involved and make this one to remember.                                      plural  and  singular.  But  the  French  also  use  “vous”  in  the  polite  context,  and
       Finally  please  don’t  forget  any  event  you’re  organising  where  your  lounge isn’t   reserve “tu” for children, family, and friends.
       quite big enough there’s the amazing facilities at your village hall available to hire   Going back to Two’s, in Matthew 22:39 and Luke 10:27 Jesus says ‘Love God with
       at some of the most competitive prices around for the facilities you get. Please     all your heart and all your sole and with all your strength all your mind.  And the
       contact  Angela Tozer, our booking secretary or download a booking form from         second  is  like  it:  Love  your  neighbour  as  yourself.  All  the  Law  and  the  Prophets
       the community website.                                                               hang on  these  two  commandments.’   So,  of  the  10 commandments Jesus  says
                                  Stuart Chorley, Chairman Briantspuddle Village Hall       that the first two are the most important.
                     Contact details  Email  Mobile 07818078191        Those of you who are not church goers know the difference between good and
                                                                                            bad. God represents goodness. This goodness or Godliness is in everyone’s mind –
             Please note we no longer have a landline number so please don’t ring it we     follow it. Further on in Luke’s Gospel they ask, “who is my neighbour ?” The answer
                                                                    won’t hear it           is - everyone. Even people you don’t get on with, or who annoy you, or cause you
                                                                                            It would be nice to have a word like the French “tu” so that we can demonstrate
                                                                                            neighbourly affection.
                                                                                                                        Mike Menzies

         Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:                                      Church Warden,   Lay Worship Leader,    St Laurence Church
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