Page 46 - br-aug-2020
P. 46

August 2020                                                                          August 2020


       Dorset’s Police and Crime Commissioner has launched a survey asking residents
       about  their  experiences  of  anti  social  behaviour.  The  survey  asks  residents
       whether they have been victims of anti social behaviour, how much of a problem
       they think it is in their area and whether they believe it’s got worse  or better in
       recent years. Police and Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill, who is launching
       the  survey  today,  hopes  to  gain  a  broader  understanding  of  the  issue  across
       D o r s e t    a n d    h o w    i t    a f f e c t s    r e s i d e n t s ’    l i v e s .
       To   complete    the   survey   please   click   on   the   following   link:
       He said: “Anti social behaviour can make people’s day to day lives a misery and
       can   have   a   devastating   impact   on   individuals   and   communities.
       “I’ve  heard  many  stories  about  people’s  lives  being  ruined  by  incidents  of
       nuisance and disorder, so I’m launching the survey to understand the problem in
       more  detail.”    The  survey  will  also  look into  what  types  of  anti  social  behaviour
       residents think Dorset Police should prioritise, as well as whether people who have
       experienced  problems  have  reported  them  to  the  police  and  other  agencies.

       The police take responsibility for certain kinds of anti social behaviour  – such as
       threatening  or  drunken  behaviour  and  buying  drugs  on  the  street  –  with
       organisations  such  as  local  authorities  and  housing  associations  dealing  with  a
       range of other incidents, such as barking dogs and noisy neighbours. The survey
       will  also  look  into  people’s  understanding  of  which  organisations  they  should
       contact   when   reporting   different   types   of   anti   social   behaviour.

       Findings  will  be  used  to  plan  future  strategies  helping  the  police  work  with
       organisations to tackle the problem as well  as to brief the county’s next Police
       and  Crime  Commissioner  after  forthcoming  elections.  Mr  Underhill  previously
       announced he would not stand in the elections, which were originally supposed
       to take place in May but were postponed until May 2021 due to the coronavirus
       He  said:  “We’re  trying  to  get  responses  from  as  wide  a  range  of  people  as
       possible  – including  people  who  have  been  victims  of  anti  social  behaviour  as
       well as those who may have been perpetrators. “It’s also important that we get
       the  views  of  younger  people,  as  they  are  often  affected  by  many  of  these

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