Page 32 - br-aug-2020
P. 32

August 2020                                                                          August 2020

       members to consider the issues in more depth.  Initially, these will focus on ways   troops stationed at Bovington Camp, during which time a recorded 39,899 cups of
       that members can learn more about the issues raised by the resolutions, with full   tea were served!]
       campaign packs to follow later.
                                                                                           The property now passes to her second son, Flag Commander Plunkett, whom we
       Hopefully,  with  the  continued  easing  of  lockdown  restrictions  over  the  coming   shall doubtless see a great deal of when the duties of a naval officer become less
       months, we will be able to meet in person to discuss these materials and how we     arduous than they are today.’
       at Bere Regis WI might engage with promoting these campaigns.
                                                                                           In addition to his illustrious career in the Navy, the Times obituary also noted that
       For details of future meetings, or further information about the WI, please contact   Drax  was  ‘a  man  of  great  possessions,  he  regarded  them  as  a  trust.  He  was  a
       Di Pitts on 01929 471322 or Moira Mathers on 07900 906278.  You can see more        model landlord, for him the welfare of his estates had ever  the first call on the
       about our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.           produce  and  only  when  that  claim  was  satisfied  was  their  owner  to  be
                                                                                           He died in October 1967 at the age of 87 years. His grandson, Richard Drax, is the
                                                                                           current owner of the Charborough Estate and MP for South Dorset.
          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw                     When you next drive past the ‘brick wall’ or go to the Drax Hall, give some thought
             their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the                   to Admiral Acronym and his contribution to the nation and the local community.
             effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more                                                                     PHIL VENTHAM, 01929 471215

                                advertising revenue!!                                      (Some  of  the  information  in  this  brief  article  is  drawn  from  a  forthcoming  book
                                                                                           about the 200 or so men from Bere Regis who served in the Great War.)

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