Page 36 - br-aug-2020
P. 36

August 2020                                                                          August 2020


       One  of  the  bonus  rewards  of  surveying  a  site  in  which
       there  might  be  some  interesting  pottery  between  2000
       and 200 years old, and some old tile fragments, and bits of
       broken  brick,  is  the  discovery  of  something  never  seen
       before. On one of these searches at the beginning of July
       a piece of Calcium Carbonate encrusted flint caught my
                                    eye.  It  was  about  14cm
                                    long  and I  put it in  the  bag  knowing it  to  be  a
                                    good  example  of  a  flint  undamaged  by  the
                                    plough.  When  I  got  back  something  made  me
                                    clean it before the other 432 finds from that walk.
                                    As  the  dusty  dirt  got  washed  away  something
                                    unusual and quite beautiful was revealed. It was
                                    covered on both of the flat sides by carvings of
                                    foliage,   triangles,   stick-men,   flowers   and
                                    geometric patterns. I couldn't believe my luck as
                                    none  of  this  was  visible  when  it  was  still  dirty.
                                    Something convinced me to think of an excuse
                                    to keep it. The problem now is to try to determine
                                    if this is Neolithic, as we know that people were
                                    here something like 5,000 years ago, or whether
                                    this  is  perhaps  20th  century.  There  is  only  one
                                    man I know who might be able to help as I am
                                    completely out of my depth with this find.

                                    Good  progress  is  being  made  with  the  first
                                    edition of the BRHS Bulletin but I won't make any
                                    promises  on  the  publication  date  yet.  It  will  be
                                    available  in  both  "hard  copy"  and  also  on-line
                                    hopefully in a month or two.
                                    John Pitfield

                                    Project Secretary

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