Page 12 - BR April 2024 - converted
P. 12

April 2024                                                                           April 2024

            Notification of Memorial                                                             platform, were either not practicable or too costly so it was agreed not to
                                                                                                 pursue these ideas further. However, we will look into putting a handle in the
                        Service                                                                  shop  by  the  door  to  provide  help  getting  over  the  raised  threshold  and

                                                                                                 laying some anti-slip matting on the top step. There is an assistance bell at
           Lieutenant Commander Christopher                                                      the  foot  of  the  steps  so,  for  anyone  who  feels  that  they  would  like  some
                                                                                                 help, just ring the bell and the shop staff will come to you.
              Maunder MBE Royal Navy (Ret)
                                                                                                The 2024 Calendar was very popular and we made a small profit on sales.
        Following the recent passing of our father,                                              We  still  have  some  available  at  half-price.  It’s  now  time  to  start  thinking
        Chris Maunder, Tim, Jonathan and the family                                              about  the  Calendar  for  next  year;  we  are  considering  suggestions  for  a
        would be delighted if you would join them for                                            theme and will shortly let you know all about it so that you can all unleash
                                                                                                 your inner creative spirit!
        a memorial service to celebrate our late
        fathers life.                                                                      As ever, we can always find a job for any volunteer to do so if you feel you can
                                                                                           spare an hour or two, please let one of the committee know or leave your name
        The service will be held at 2.00pm Saturday                                        and contact details in the shop and someone will get back to you.
        27th April 2024 at St John the Baptist Church,                                     Please continue to support your local community shop!
        Bere Regis.
        Following the service all are invited for tea and refreshments at the Bere Regis
        Scout Hut, Elder Road.                                                              A LITTLE BIT OF HISTORY
        Please bring your fondest memories of ‘The Guvnor’ to share with family and
        friends.                                                                           Apologies  for  my  error  in  the  article  ‘A  Little  Bit  of  History’  in  last  month’s
        Family request no flowers.                                                         magazine.
                                                                                           It  should  read  ‘This  short  story  was told  to Irene  Bryant  by  Basil  Knowles  brother
                                                                                           and his wife.’
                                                                                                                                                       Angie Talbot

                                                                                                 VILLAGE HALL
                                                                                                   100 CLUB

                                                                                                Prize winner for

                                                                                                    No 017

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