Page 58 - apr2023
P. 58

April 2023                            April 2023


 The weather has been rather grey and gloomy
 this month.  There is talk of another drought this
 year  as  in  this  area,  over  the  course  of  the
 winter, rainfall has not consistent enough.  February was dryer here than average.
 As I write this we are forecast more rain this weekend and another newspaper is
 forecasting a Polar blast.  On the bright side the lighter evenings are coming at
 the  end  of  March.    I  know  my  neighbours  have  been  digging  and  applying
 manure.    Maybe  with  all  the  recent  shortages  in  fresh  food  and  salads  and
 continuing inflation  it might be a good idea to think about growing your own this
 year.  I know all the allotments have been taken and there is a waiting list.  Why
 not think about your back garden or tomatoes on your terrace.
 Our March meeting was another very cold gloomy night and I was really worried
 that  no  one  would  think  a  talk  about  Bonsai  was  a  good  idea.    Our  members
 continue  to  surprise  me  with  over  30  turning  up  for  a  very  entertaining  talk  by
 David Ennals.  Is it cruel to plants to restrict the space for their roots?  David took
 us through various processes, Planting up a tree, wiring,  pruning  and repotting a
 Bonsai plant.  Bonsai does need care lots of food and water and it will still grow
 and thrive.  Some members were thrilled to be able to purchase a Bonsai starter
 kit and it will be fun to see how they get on.

 Next month we have a talk on
    making a Butterfly Garden and
 I  am  sure  it  is  more  than  just
 growing  cabbages.    I  can
 always  get  cabbage  white
 caterpillars.  They  eat  more
 than  I  do.    There  will  be  other
 flowering   butterfly   friendly
 plants  to  purchase  at  the
 Our  May  meeting,  for  those
 who are venturing out to grow
 vegetables  we  have a  talk  on
 growing  organic  vegetables.
 There will be lots of tips about compost, manure netting and companion planting.
 On Saturday 13  May we are holding a small coffee morning and plant sale at
 Honeycombe Cottage Shitterton.  Please start planting some seedlings or splitting
 down plants now for the sale
  In June we head out to Kingcombe to see the wildlife gardens and the wildflower
 meadows and July a trip to a vineyard for wine tasting.

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