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April 2023                                                                           April 2023

        However, there were mixed reviews of the novel, some very much enjoying the
       ‘lighter crime style’ and others feeling that it was too predictable, with some of   DORSET TRADING STANDARDS
       the detail perhaps not quite as believable as they would have liked.
                                                                                            Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
       One thing we all agreed on was that the characters were left in such a way that      approve businesses so you don’t have to.
       the 4th novel in the series, due to be out later this year, feels less predictable in the
       way the personalities in The Bullet That Missed could be developed. There were       For more information visit or
       new characters introduced, whom we felt might play a greater part in the next        call 08454 040506.
       book, and others that could more easily be written out. We look forward to seeing    To report or seek advice about problems you have
       what happens.                                                                        experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.

       Overall,  a  great  ‘cosy  crime’  with  many  comedy  moments,  especially
       entertaining if you enjoy Richard Osman’s style of writing.                          Animal Health and Welfare

                                                                                            Most  farmers  care  passionately  about  the  welfare  of  their  animals.  Rural  Dorset
                                                                                            often  brings  to mind  pictures  of healthy  animals  grazing  in sunny  fields  of  grass.
                                                                                            However, when it comes to winter, things can look very different, especially after
                                                                                            long periods of rain.
                                                                                            Some  farmers  house  their  cattle  in  barns  over  the  winter  months.  Others  keep
       VILLAGE HALL                                                                         cattle  out  in  the  fields  and  give  them  supplementary  food  such  as  silage,
                                                                                            because  grass  has  stopped  growing.  The  ground  around  their  feeders  can  get
       Village Hall AGM Tuesday 11  April 7pm at                                            muddy and cows with their shaggy winter coats can look a bit bedraggled when
       the Village Hall                                                                     it is  wet.  As  long as  the  cattle  have an  area in the field that  is  well drained for
                                                                                            them to lie down, then their welfare can usually be met.
       The Village Hall AGM will take place and the election of                             Sheep are often put on
       the  new  committee,  also  an  update  on  the  finances.  If   VILLAGE             fields  of  stubble  turnips
       you are interested in the village Hall and how we move     HALL                      to eat. They quickly eat
       forward please do come to the meeting.
                                                                                            off  the  green  tops  of
                                                                                            the  plants  and  it  might
       Hall Bookings Fees                                                                   therefore  look  to  the
                                                                                            untrained eye that they
       The lower room    is  £10 per hour  The Upper Hall      is £15 per hour              are  in  a  muddy  field
                                                                                            with nothing to eat. The
       If you want to book the Village Hall please contact our booking Secretary Joanna     reality is that they might
       Syrett   or  telephone     01929 472037  she  will   also be   have  a  really  good
       able to show you around if you are not familiar with the building.                   source  of  food  to  give
                                                                                            them  the  energy  to

       Fancy a game of table tennis                                                         cope with the cold wet
       As part of our bid to try to generate some income for the Hall we are able to offer   Farmers are usually happy to speak with people who have concerns about their
       family  table  tennis  sessions,    if  you  are  interested  in  hiring it    the  fee  is    £10  per   livestock. If you are worried about welfare standards on a farm you can always
       family for an hour.                                                                  call  the  Dorset  Council  animal  health  line  on  01305  224475,  or  email
       Contact the Booking Secretary  Joanna on  01929 472037                     
                                           Alison Bennett Chairperson  01929 472023

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