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April 2023                                            DATES FOR                      April 2023

       And in the Benefice…                                                                          YOUR DIARY

       Benefice Messy Church – Sunday 23  April.                                            2023
       The next Messy Church will be in person at 4pm at The Church of Holy Rood, Wool.

       The  theme  is  ‘Breakfast  on  the  beach’  –  telling  the  story  of  one  of  the      Floral Group                1st Thursday Club   Communibus   Women’s Institute
       appearances by Jesus to the disciples after the resurrection.  All families welcome
       for a mix of crafts, activities, a story by the fire, songs and tea for everyone at the   Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place    Twinning      Gardening Club
       You    can   get    more   information   by   contacting    Pat   Wharf                                                                        April

                                                                                                  6th   Phil Morgan  and Ian Ventham   ‘Bees and Beekeeping
       Friday Benefice Walks

       Do you enjoy walking?  This year
       from March until October, we are                                                           7th   Good Friday Easter Event                           10-12
       organising  a  walk  on  the  fourth
       Friday of the month.  Some walks
       will  be  shorter  than  others,  but                                                      11th   Carrie Diamond  Workshop 'Foliage Manipulation'
       everyone  is  very  welcome,
       including  dogs.    They  will  usually                                                    11th   Christchurch  £10                                 10am
       begin  with  a  shortened  Morning
       Praise  and  then  when  we  get

       back  we’ll  end  with  a  simple                                                     SP   20th   Salt and Pepper Club
       Eucharist followed by a picnic for
       those who can stay.                                                                        25th   Folk Night, Skittle Alley, Drax Arms  -  Hicks & Goulbourn   7.30pm
       Why not join in on Friday 28  April, meeting at St Laurence, Affpuddle at 10:30am
       for a short time of prayer, then we’ll be off to Briantspuddle Heath,  Throop and          25th   Bluebell Mystery Tour  £10                        10am
       Turnerspuddle, returning for a Eucharist at about 12:3opm followed by BYO picnic.

       Life events
                                                                                                 4th    Jo Belasco ‘Dorset legends and landmarks’
       Please do get in touch with me if you are interested in the church being involved
       in any of your life events at Affpuddle or Bere Regis.                                    5th    Coronation Party
       From  the  sad  ones  –  Funerals,  to  the  happy  and  joyful  ones  –  Christenings  and
       Weddings, we’re here for you.                                                             9th    Sue Wall   'Reuse and Recycle'  Demonstration

       We will have a Confirmation Service in the Benefice on Saturday 8  July 2023 at
       5pm, (Please note change to original published date) so please do get in touch,           9th    New Forest & Lyndhurst  £12                        9.30am
       adult or young people, if you are interested in getting confirmed.
                                                                                                 25th   Folk Night, Skittle Alley, Drax Arms  -  Erika Lewis   7.30pm
       Rev  Sandra  01929  792235.    Please  use  this
       contact for any visiting requests too.
                                                                                                 24th   Mystery Tour  £10                                  10am

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