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April 2023                                                                           April 2023

       relationships. Whether it’s walking with friends,                                      DATES FOR
       family or co-workers, it’s a great way to catch
       up,  connect,  and  engage  in  meaningful
       c  o   n  v  e  r  s  a  t  i  o  n  s  .                                                     YOUR DIARY
       We’re  introducing  a  monthly  walk  in  the
       benefice,  so  if  you’d  like  to  walk  with                                        2023
       company why not join in on a fourth Friday –
       the  details  are  in  the  Benefice  news                                                 Floral Group                1st Thursday Club   Communibus   Women’s Institute
       elsewhere in this magazine.
       Walking  also  holds  an  important  place  in                                            Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place     Twinning      Gardening Club
       many    religious   traditions,   including
       Christianity.  Jesus  Christ  himself  was  often
       depicted  walking  through  the  countryside,
       preaching  and  healing  people.  Even  during                                            25th   Folk Night, Skittle Alley, Drax Arms  John & Di Cullen   7.30pm
       his  final  days,  Jesus  walked  a  long  and
       difficult  path,  leading  up  to  his  death  and
       resurrection.                                                                                    August
       On  Good  Friday,  Christians  commemorate                                                8th    65 . Anniversary Celebration
       the  crucifixion  of  Jesus,  a  day  that  was
       marked by his suffering and death. Walking in
       silence,  reflecting  on  the  path  that  Jesus
       walked,  is  a  powerful  way  for  Christians  to
       connect  with  the  sufferings  of  Jesus  and  to                                     SP   17th   Salt and Pepper Club
       honour  his  sacrifice.    This  is  why  we  have  a
       Walk  of  Witness  up  to  Black  Hill,  where  a  Cross  is  erected  during  the  service  at         September
       10:45am.    Later  in  the  day  we  will  remember  the  path  Jesus  took  to  the  Cross
       during our reflections at 2pm.                                                            12th   Kelly Shaw  'A Celebration of Nature's
       Then on Easter Sunday Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, and often this             Bounty'  Demonstration
       involves  a  joyous  gathering  with  family  and  friends.    I  know  there  will  be  joyous   SP
       celebrations at all our services in the benefice on Easter Sunday, for Zinnie and I        21st   Salt and Pepper Club
       this  will  include  a  lovely  walk  on  the  beach  at  Lulworth  Cove  before  our  first
       Communion of Easter at 8am on the beach!                                                  26th   Folk Night, Skittle Alley, Drax Arms  Sherburn Sanders   7.30pm
       However you are remembering, reflecting and celebrating in the days leading up            29th   Macmillan Coffee morning
       to  Easter  Sunday,  I  do  hope  they  are  filled  with  ways  to  recharge,  relax  and
       With blessings Sandra                                                                           October

                                                                                                 10th   Allison Finch   TBA  Demonstration

                                                                                            SP   19th   Salt and Pepper Club

                                                                                                 24th   Folk Night, Skittle Alley, Drax Arms  Bruce Watson   7.30pm

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