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April 2021                            April 2021
 BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE   disciples,  Judas  was  waiting  for  them,  ready  to  betray  Jesus  with  a  kiss.  When
       Simon Peter saw the soldiers he took his sword and attacked the person nearest to
 NEWS   him – Malchus – cutting off his right ear.  Jesus saw what had happened and told
       Peter to put his sword down, then he healed Malchus.

       It is good to imagine what it must have been like for Malchus.  He probably didn’t
 VILLAGE HALL NEWS   want to be with the soldiers, but he had to obey orders, then even before Jesus
       was  arrested,  he  was  attacked!    Imagine  the  searing  pain  as  his  ear  was
 Spring  is  starting  to  show  its  irrepressible  head  as   amputated, and probably his face slashed as well, the blood flowing down onto
 winter  gives  way  and  snowdrops  and  daffodils   his clothes, the awful realisation that his ear was missing.  In the darkness maybe
 flower  and  blossom  starts  to  appear  on  our  trees   the  other  soldiers  didn’t  even know  what  had happened  and  ignored his  cries.
 and  so hopefully  in  the  words of Boris  we  are  well   But Jesus knew.  Malchus felt the soothing warmth of a hand covering his blood
 on  our  way  down  the  one  way  route  out  of   stained face and head.  The pain ceased, and when Malchus put his hand up to
 lockdown.   feel the gap where his ear had been,      there was no gap, he had a new ear !
       How like Jesus, who at the point of His own deepest need, was still concerned for
 We at the village hall are preparing things so that life can start again as soon as   others.
 possible.  We have the odd glimmer that  we will be welcoming people back to
 use the hall again as the year progresses and the first of those is that if everything   As  Jesus  was  marched  to  the  High  Priest’s  house,  Malchus  was  bewildered,
 carries on the way it is going at the moment the café will be allowed to re open   wondering if he had really been wounded and then healed.  When the soldiers
 by the middle of  April, albeit weather dependant as we will only be allowed to   started to beat Jesus,  Malchus  kept away from what was going on.  How could
 seat  people  outside,  but  by  then  we  will  be  able  to  meet  people  from  other   he attack the man who had just healed him.  That incident  changed Malchus’
 households  and  with  certain  procedures  in  place  like  table  service  and  not   life.  He later saw how Jesus was nailed to the cross, the agony that He endured,
 moving from table to table, abiding by hands face and space guidelines. That is   and how Jesus forgave His enemies  for what they had done to Him. How glad he
 using  sanitiser,  wearing  masks   was when he heard that three days later Jesus had risen from the dead.   I’m sure
 when  moving  around  and   that Malchus would have become a follower of Jesus for the rest of his life.
    maintaining  social  distancing   As  we  come  to  this  Easter  time,  let’s  remember  it’s  true  meaning,  may  we  see
 we  will  actually  be  able  to   afresh what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross and then rose from the
 spend  time  with  our  friends   dead. Remember too that Jesus knows all about you, and your situation.  He waits
 and neighbours again and we   to hear our prayers, and will help us, comfort and encourage us.
 look  forward  to  being  able  to
 do that over a cup of coffee,   We wish you a very God blessed Easter.  “The Lord bless you and keep you;  the
 a  bacon  roll  and  or  a  slice  of   Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His
 cake.  Simple  pleasures  that   face toward you and give you peace.”
 mean  so  much  to  all  of  us.
 Hopefully it won’t be long after
 that  that  we  will  see  small   Just a Smile
 groups of people enjoying other activities at the hall.
       From a host of true gems quoted from claim forms submitted to the ‘Sun Alliance’
 We now  have our new dishwasher installed,  thank  you  to the Jenny’s  and their
 jam selling which raised £500 towards the cost and to the parish council who by   To avoid a collision I ran into a car ......
 various  means  including  the  grant  scheme  contributed  a  further  £500  meaning   I knocked over a man but he admitted it was his fault as he had been knocked
 we could afford to replace the old dishwasher when it finally gave out, and so the   over before ......
 kitchen  will be  able  to be  fully  operational  for  hiring and  as  you’ll  remember in
 earlier  lockdowns  the  hall  has  been  completely  redecorated  inside  and  so   Coming home I drove into the wrong house colliding with a tree I haven’t got ......
       The pedestrian had no idea which direction to run, so I ran over him ....
 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:       Joyce Healey

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