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April 2021                                                                           April 2021
                                                                                           everything you could want from your village hall is in the best possible shape to be
               OTHER CHURCHES NEWS                                                         enjoyed by us all.

                                                                                           We’ll keep you posted here in the parish magazine as well as on the community
       BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH                                                    website and general posters as to what we can do and what is available for you
                                                                                           to join in with as things progress and although we will all have to learn how to live
                                                                                           with covid all around us it does feel like things may really be on the up soon.
       Sundays  10.30am    Morning  Service    taken  each  week  by    visiting
       preachers.                                                                          In the meantime the hall continues to be open on a daily basis for you to queue
                                                                                           for the village shop, purchase jams and various other things from time to time as
       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting                           well  as  to  collect  your  daily  papers.  As  a  community  we’ve  done  really  well
                                                                                           dealing  with  the  various  regulations  and  the  social  hardships  covid  has  brought
       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer                                          about  so  let’s  hang  on  in  there  as  we  see  this  through  to  a  point  when  relative

       Chapel  Toddler  Group.    Sadly  this  group  is  closed  for  the  foreseeable    normality is resumed.
       future.                                                                                                                                         Stuart Chorley
                                                                                                                           Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees
       Currently we are able to meet for our Sunday morning services, although they are         Contact me on my mobile 07818078191 or by email at
       also  shown  live  on  you  tube.    Our  Youth  meeting  and  Bible  study  are  held  via
       zoom, with others joining us, a number of whom live too far away to ever be able
       to  join  us  in  person.    God  has  brought  good  out  of  the  current  situation,  via
       modern technology.

                                                                                            AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH

       Easter is Here.  Jesus is                                                            COUNCIL
       How  lovely,  that  after  the  cold  and
       darkness of winter, spring is here!  The                                             The  Parish  Council  meeting  on  10th  March  was  once  again  held  remotely  to
       days  are  longer,  the  sun  is  getting                                            comply  with  Government  social  distancing  guidance.  Until  restrictions  around
       warmer, and all nature is bursting into                                              movement and public gatherings are lifted, the Parish Council will be holding all
       new  life.  What  a  joy  it  is  to  see  the                                       meetings remotely.
       lambs  frolicking  in  the  fields.    I  am
       always so grateful to live in such a beautiful part of the country, and to be able to
       get  out  into  the  fields  for  a  walk  most  days.  How  hard  lock-down  has  been  for   West Lulworth Area Operational Plan
       people living in towns and cities surrounded by concrete.
                                                                                            The Parish Council previously commented on the plan which aims to prevent the
       Most  importantly  it  is  Easter,  when  we  remember  the  death  and  resurrection  of   problems  experienced  last  summer  when  the  number  of  visitors  to  the  area
       Jesus.  This  is  the  heart  of  our  Christian  faith,  that  Jesus  died  for  us,  taking  the   caused issues with anti-social behaviour and litter, as well as parking and traffic on
       penalty for our sin so that we can be forgiven,  and that He rose again from the     roads across the Purbeck area. The Parish Council asked Dorset Councillor Laura
       dead to give us new life in Him.                                                     Miller to attend the Parish Council meeting to discuss concerns.
       There were many people involved in the arrest, trial and crucifixion of Jesus.  One   It was reassuring to hear that as well as the operational plan, which will close the
       was a man named Malchus.  His name is mentioned just once in the Bible, (John        Lulworth area to traffic when it reaches capacity, Dorset Council is working with
       18:10) although what happened to him is recorded in all four Gospels.  Malchus       other organisations  to increase litter  bins  and collections  and train enforcement
       was servant to the High Priest, who was the most important religious leader at the   officers  for  the  area who will  have  body  cameras  and  the  power  to  issue fines.
       time.  He was ordered to join the soldiers who were going late at night to arrest    Parking  options  are  being  considered  which  could  help  to  keep  traffic  flowing
       Jesus.    When  the  soldiers  reached  the  olive  grove  where  Jesus  was  with  His   steadily and tow-away zones are to be introduced.

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