Page 33 - br-apr-2021
P. 33

April 2021                            April 2021


       When  it  was  formed  in  1915,  the  aim  of  Women's
       Institute’s  was  to  revitalise  rural  communities  and
       support and give a voice to the woman working in
       these  communities,  largely  in  the  home  or  in
       restrictive  agricultural  settings.    How  far  we  have
       come since then.  The WI is now the largest women's organisation in the UK and
       caters to a huge diversity of membership.  Bere Regis WI alone can claim several
       current  artists,  a  qualified  aerobics  instructor,  an  Alexander  Technique  teacher
       and a firefighter.  Amongst our retired members we have a former air stewardess,
       book illustrator, constituency secretary for Michael Heseltine, florist, hotel manager,
       probation  officer,  sales  assistant  at  Chanel  on  Old  Bond  Street  (dressing  people
       such  as  Shirley  Bassey  and  Diana  Ross),  school  governor,  social  worker,  textile
       designer (in Paris) and several teachers. And this is just scratching the surface!
       Women’s  Institutes  themselves  come  in  all  shapes  and  sizes.    As  well  as  the
       traditional rural village institutes, there are institutes in towns, workplaces and even
       in  hospices  and  prisons.  All  with  the  common  aim  of  supporting  their  fellow
       members and allowing them to be involved in the way that suits them – ranging
       from  simply  taking  the  chance  to  meet  people  and  catch  up  with  friends,  to
       getting involved in the wider WI campaigning activities – albeit it remotely for the
       time being.  Speaking of which, it’s hard to believe that this time last year I was
       writing about how we were trying to get to grips with the impact of COVID-19 and
       the implications for our members.

                                                 And finally (to give me an excuse
                                                 to include a picture), I’m happy to
                                                 report  that  the  Bere  Regis  WI
                                                 Centenary  cherry  tree  in  the
                                                 shrubbery  outside  the  surgery
                                                 seems  not  to  have  suffered  as  a
                                                 result of the recent cold snap and
                                                 is blooming magnificently!

                                                 For  details  of  future  meetings  or
                                                 further  information  about  the  WI,
                                                 please  contact  Di  Pitts  on  01929
                                                 471322 or Moira Mathers on 07900
                                                 906278.  You  can  see  more  about
                                                 our  past  meetings  and  activities
                                                 on    our   Fac e book   page

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