Page 31 - br-apr-2021
P. 31

April 2021                            April 2021

 credits as Billy Smallbury one of the farm labourers.   BERE REGIS
 He  was  a  Governor  of  Bere  Regis  School  and  of  Purbeck  School.    He  was  an   SURGERY NEWS
 independent  District  Councillor  for  the  Village  on  Purbeck  District  Council  for
 about 17 years.  He was well known to his constituents.  A local character, good   Happy  Easter  to  everyone  for  the
 fun in the Pub, once met not forgotten.  There are many amusing anecdotes and   beginning of April!
 tales about him.  He was President of the Bere Regis Sports club, and a founder
 member of the reformed cricket club in 1982.
  In  addition  he  was  well  known  in  Agriculture  being  Chairman  of  the  Dorset
 National  Farmers  Union.    He  helped  to  set  up  the  Agricultural  Training  Board  in
 Dorset and set up a Scheme for Proficiency Skill testing for Agricultural workers.  He   April  brings  the  start  of  the  2
 was County President of young Farmers Clubs and many other positions.    COVID vaccination roll out and the
                                               conclusion  of  the  1   vaccines  for
 As a Councillor he was particularly interested in Housing and was chairman of the   cohorts 1 – 9.
 Housing Committee for many years and even had a hostel for homeless persons in
 Wareham, “Vic Stone Court”, named after him.    Hopefully we will be able to have a
                                               much-needed  long  weekend  to
 To the best of my recollection very little was published in the Parish Magazine at   recharge  our  batteries  and  enjoy
 the time of his death as he was a Bloxworth man and the funeral service was held   the sunshine, although as I type this
 in Wareham.                                   the  long-range  forecast  is  for
                                               freezing  temperatures.    Let’s  hope
       they’ve got it wrong!  Last year, if you remember the Government requirement
       was  that  General  Practice  worked  through  the  Easter  holidays  as  business  as
 POP IN PLACE NEWS   usual and full lockdown began in earnest.
       The Surgery will be closed Good Friday, 3  April through to and including Monday
       5  April. We will re-open as normal on Tuesday 6  April, 8.30 am on the phones.  If
 Pop In Place ROADMAP   you require medical assistance whilst we are closed please call 111 or if you have
       a medical emergency, call 999.  Please ensure you have enough medication for

 Pop In Place Rainbow Café    the long weekend.
 If everything goes according to the Government roadmap
 we hope to reopen the Community Café on Friday 25  June 10am  If this looks
 like a feasible thing I will call a meeting of all volunteer helpers on the previous
 Friday 18   at 10am to have a training session on opening in a covid safe way,
 and  make  a  rota  of  helpers  and  drivers.  If  you
    want  to  come  along  but  need  transport  phone

 Pop In Performers Group
 If regulation allow, our  plan is to start this  group
 up in September using some of the Grease items
 we  started  working  on  mixed  up  with  a  few
 Christmas  favourite  we  will  invite  you  to  Rydell
 High  Christmas  Prom  our  Christmas  Show  in

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