Page 30 - br-apr-2021
P. 30

April 2021                                                                           April 2021

            RECIPE OF THE MONTH                                                            New Projects being proposed

                Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites                      The Repair shop
                                                                                           We  hope  to  develop  this  in  the
           Pork and Cranberry Hotpot ( Serves 4)                                           Lower room during the community
                                                                                           café hours for people to make or
           I was given this recipe by a friend and it is totally yummy. So much so that my other   repair items if you are interested in
           half had to get the bread out to soak up the rich gravy.                        the  project  please  pop  into  the
                                                                                           café and let us know.
           I halved it for the two of us.

                                                                                           Garden of Hope

           Ingredients                                                                     This  is  still  very  much  on  the
                4 Pork shoulder steaks                                                    agenda but the holdup is trying to find a suitable space to develop it in, in the
                1 tbsp oil                                                                meantime  it  is  hoped  we  may  be  able  to  enhance  some  other  areas  of  the
                1 onion chopped                                                           village that are owned by the Parish council while we work on the right site for this
                2 tbsp plain flour                                                        project.
                450ml chicken stock
                4 tbsp med sherry
                1 tbsp tomato puree                                                       Bere Regis Food Bank
                2 tbsp cranberry sauce                                                    Thank you so much for all the food donations we really appreciate them, there is
                pinch of ground spice                                                     a box outside the village Hall . Moving Forward we will continue to run the Food
                500g potatoes peeled and thinly sliced                                    Bank  when  the  Village  Hall  reopens  ,  our  thanks  to  the  Parish  Council  for  the
                1oz butter                                                                generous grant to make this possible. It will operate on a part food part voucher
                                                                                           basis this will be from June.

           Method                                                                          If you need help and are struggling in this crisis email
           1. Preheat the oven to 180c/350f/Gas 4                                          Please make sure that all users registration forms are back to 3 Rye Hill Close
           2. Heat oil in a large frying pan and brown the pork on both sides, then transfer to a                                                      Alison Bennett
           shallow oven proof dish.
           3.  Add the onion to the pan and fry until starting to soften and go golden.
           4. Stir in the flour then slowly mix in the stock, sherry, tomato puree, spice and
           cranberry sauce.
           5. Season with salt and pepper and bring to the boil, then pour over the pork.
           6. Arrange the thin slices of potatoes, overlapping, on the top and dot with butter and   When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
           sprinkle salt and pepper.                                                             their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
           7. Cover with tin foil and cook for 45mins. Then remove the foil and cook for a further
           30mins until the potatoes are browning.                                               effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more

           Enjoy with your choice of vegetables.                                                                    advertising revenue!!

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