Page 60 - br-april-2019
P. 60

April 2019                                                                           April 2019

       She covers her major assignments in some detail, from the shocking, inexplicable    Toll Increases for the
       civil  wars  in  the  former  Yugoslavia  to  the  bizarre  surrealism  of  Gaddafi’s  Libya.
       Along  the  way  she  provides  invaluable  tips  for  the  aspiring  war  correspondent,   Studland Ferry
       such as always to carry a toothbrush and bottle of Scotch for emergency tooth       One  of  the  final  acts  of  Purbeck
       cleaning, and never to wear nail polish in a Warrior armed personnel carrier! She is   District Council was to ensure that
       also scathing about her disagreements with the BBC hierarchy over kowtowing to      the  price  increases  proposed  for
       the Saudi, Chinese and other obnoxious regimes, political pressures in general and   the  Studland  ferry  were  reduced
       the descent into ‘cuddly’ consumer-based news reporting. Always a rebel, when       to a more affordable level.
       told she had to sign the Official Secrets Act she said if forced to do so she would
       burn it in public.
       The  assignment  which  appears  to  have  affected  her  most  deeply  was  the
       Tiananmen massacre of 1989 in Beijing – a misnomer, as she points out, since the    Surgeries  are  held  on  the  first
       great majority of victims were shot dead in cold blood by the army in their own     Saturday  of  every  month.  These
       homes, away from Tiananmen Square. Like some furious Viking warrior she (literally)   are  held  at  the  communal  Lounge  in  Turberville  Court  in  Bere  Regis  from  09.30
       fought  three  policemen  to  prevent  her  film  report  being  confiscated.  That  tear-  a.m. to 10.00 a.m. If you cannot make one of these please email me and I will
       fuelled  rage  has  never  left  her  since.  Quoting  at  length  from  a  bland  Chinese   arrange to come around to see you. If you have any questions or queries related
       propaganda publication on the ‘Turmoil’ in Beijing, she restricts her comment to a   to the business of Dorset County Council please come along. If anyone wants to
       single word: ‘Liars!’ To which she adds, ‘That’s why it’s worth being a reporter.’   contact  me  and  cannot  get  to  the  surgery  my  email  address  is
       An entertaining, gripping and at times moving account. Highly recommended.
                                                                                                                                        Peter Wharf, County Councillor

                                                                                            DORSET COUNCIL GOES LIVE

                                                                                            On 1  April, Dorset Council will replace the existing district and borough councils
                                                                                            (East  Dorset,  North  Dorset,  Purbeck,  West  Dorset,  Weymouth  &  Portland)  and
                                                                                            Dorset County Council, all of which will cease to exist.
                                                                                             This reorganisation will bring together almost 5000 employees plus colleagues in
                                                                                            education, making over 8000 in total, who will serve the 375,000 residents in the
                                                                                            Dorset Council area.
                                                                                              A  huge  amount  of  work  has  happened  behind  the  scenes  to  bring  about  this
                                                                                            reorganisation of local government. This includes:

                                                                                                  a  boundary  review  for  Dorset  with  new  ward  boundaries  in  place  for
                                                                                                 elections  on  2  May  -  moving  from  206  councillors  to  82  for  the  Dorset
                                                                                                 Council area
                                                                                                transferring  Christchurch-based  services  to  the  new  Bournemouth,
                                                                                                 Christchurch  and  Poole  (BCP)  Council,  including  social  care,  libraries,
                                                                                                 community safety, leisure, housing and registration services

                                                                                                moving to a single financial system for the new council, including payments
                                                                                                 - so it’s easier for customers to pay council tax, business rates, parking fines,

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