Page 56 - br-april-2019
P. 56

April 2019                                                                           April 2019

                          AUTUMN LEAVES                                                    BERE REGIS SCOUT GROUP

                          OVER  50’S CLUB

       We were pleased to see several visitors to Autumn Leaves at our March meeting                                     The  Shrove  Tuesday  activity  had  to  be
       and hope that they will join us again in the future.  Everyone enjoyed seeing John                                pancakes!  Aidan  and  Rowan  organised  a
       Pitfield’s photographic slides taken in the village in the scorching hot summer of                                creative cooking challenge night with the aim
       1976.                                                                                                             for  the  various  teams  to  produce  not  only
                                                                                                                         some  yummy  tasting  pancakes,  but  they
       We saw the dried up bed of the Bere Stream, and parched lawns and fields. It                                      needed  to  be  visually  appealing  too,  with
       was interesting to see the village before Elder Road, Manor Farm Road and the                                     colours  and  shapes  using  various  fruits  and
       houses around them were constructed. We also saw the cutting being made for                                       sauces.
       the  bypass,  and  John  told  us  about  the  discovery  of  a  Roman  Villa  and
       associated artefacts in the village. All in all it was a fascinating afternoon.                                   The  Explorers  experienced  a  water  activities
                                                                                                                         day  at  Buddens  Scout  Activity  Centre  on  a
       Next  month  the  speaker  will  be  a  member  of  the  Veterinary  team  from  DEFRA
                                                                                                                         cold Saturday at the beginning of March. The
       who works locally.                                                                                                morning  session  included  kayaking,  followed
       If you would like to come and join us on Wednesday 10  April you will be sure of a
       warm welcome and an excellent afternoon tea.
                                                                                            by  an  afternoon  of  canoeing
                                                                                            and bell boating. Although the
                                                                                            weather  and  temperature  of
                                                                                            the water in Buddens lake was
                                                                                            freezing,  the  group  thoroughly
                                                   Dorchester                               enjoyed  the  opportunity  to
                                                                                            learn some new skills.
                                                      Framing                               Other  evening  activities  have
                                                                                            included  some  wide  games
                                               Picture and framing service
                                                                                            over Black Hill and a session of
                                                 with a wide selection of                   bike  maintenance  in  preparation  for  this  year’s  summer  camp.  The  Explorers
                                                   mounts and frames.                       summer plan is to revisit the French and Belgium WW1 battlefield sites on bicycle
                                                Open most days but best                     and to find out more about the men who lost their lives during the war, and to
                                                 call first before making a                 research into the lives of those who returned home too.
                                                       special trip.
                                                                                            Scouts might have been fooled for a while when the frying pans and pancake
                                                  The Old School House                      ingredients  came  out,  but  they  had  to  wait  to  eat  them  until  after  the  map
                                                    Tincleton DT2 8QR                       reading competition.  After each perfectly a large pancake they had to use the
                                                                                            maps to find symbols at the given grid references and then make those symbols
                                                   01305 848909                             out of a pancake.  We had a phone box, a church, a tree and a trig point to

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