Page 63 - br-april-2019
P. 63

April 2019                            April 2019


 PART 5    Friday April 12th.

       Doors and Bar open 7.00; film
 The Vote is on Thursday 2  May   starts 7.30
 Our Neighbourhood Plan has passed the Examiner’s scrutiny. He has declared it   ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, says the film review
 safe in law. He did recommend some minor changes to improve it which we were   site,  Rotten  Tomatoes,  is  a  foot-stomping
 pleased to accept. The updated plan is now on our website to view at  https://  celebration of Queen, their music and their    extraordinary  lead  singer  Freddie  Mercury,
       who  defied  stereotypes  and  shattered
 The  next  stage  is  that  the  plan  will  be  put  to  all  Bere  Regis  residents  who  are
 registered to vote, in a simple referendum, asking if you accept it or don’t accept   convention  to  become  one  of  the  most
 it, on Thursday 2nd May.   beloved entertainers on the planet. The film
       traces  the  meteoric  rise  of  the  band
 The  Parish  Council,  having  spent  6  years   through   their   iconic   songs   and
 drafting  this  plan  and  consulting  many  times   revolutionary sound, their near-implosion as
 with  residents,  and  knowing  how  much  the   Mercury's lifestyle spirals out of control, and
 provisions  of  the  plan  will  affect  us  all,  would   their triumphant reunion on the eve of Live
 urge everyone to attend the polling station at   Aid,   where   Mercury,   facing   a   life-
 the Drax Hall to vote.   threatening illness, leads the band in one of
       the greatest performances in the history of rock music… cementing the legacy of

       a  band  that  were  always  more  like  a  family,  and  who  continue  to  inspire
 To remind you, the main provisions are:
       outsiders, dreamers and music lovers to this day.
    105  houses,  40%  of  which  must  be
 ‘affordable’,  to  be  built  on  5  sites,  all   Come and see it with us  - or see it again, if you have already enjoyed it!
 adjoining the village
    Creation of an enlarged employment area near the Shell garage

    The creation of an accessible green space for walking between the village
 and the by-pass
    Protection to areas of green space within the village

    Protection to community services and facilities
    Acquisition of land to enable new facilities to be provided in due course

 Why should you vote to accept it?
 Passing the referendum means our plan will form part of the Purbeck Local Plan,
 so  it  will  have  considerable  weight  in  law,  and  developers  will  be  obliged  to
 consider it and take it into account when drawing up their planning applications.
 In  general  development  will  only  be  permitted  on  the  agreed  sites,  and  to  the
 numbers agreed. We will gain access to considerable areas of green space and
 land  will  become  available  to  enable  more  young  peoples’  facilities  to  be

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