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April 2018                                                                           April 2018

            BERE REGIS CHURCH NEWS                                                                             CHURCH AND VILLAGE

                                                                                            ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS

       AND THANK YOU!                                                                      Association  Contact  Tel        Address      E-mail    Meetings/Info

       When you read this, we will be able to mark the completion of our Roof repair
       project! It was great to see the men return on March 12  to start to take down the   Mothers’ Union   Nancy Gibson   472105   15 White Lovington   NancyEGibson  Monthly.  Turberville Court
       scaffolding; the promise of returning for Easter will be fulfilled.                                                  BH20 7NF   1st Wednesday. 2.00 p.m.
       We  are  very  grateful  to  the  contractors  (AE  Griffin  and  Sons)  and  others  for  all   Mobile Library   Dorset  County   01305      dorchestermob  Alternate fortnights   Car
                                                                                                          Council    224440              ilelibrary@dorse  park
       their  help  during  these  last  five  months.  There  have  been,  as  always  with  such                                Mondays 9.20- 9.50
       work, some challenges along the way but all has been done so well and it has                                                                Fridays 10.50  -  12.15
       been good that it has been done by local builders, who have also done some
                                                                                           Neighbour Car   Brenda House   01929          stockleyfarmpa  Community run transport
       other minor work required by our 5-yearly Inspection.                               Scheme                    471255              rtners@gmail.c  option
       We  are  very  thankful  too  to  Bob  Croom  who  has  been  to  the  forefront  as  the
                                                                                           Pop in Place   Alison Bennett   472023   3 Rye Hill Close   popinplace@g  Weekly.  Drax Hall
       Church’s representative in discussions with the contractors and the architect.                                       BH20 7LU   Monday and Friday
       As I write I am very grateful to those of you who will, I hope, have been making                                                            10.00  -  12.00
       certain that the church is clean and restored to its original glory.
                                                                                           Purbeck District   Peter Wharf   472246   The Old Vicarage   peterwharf@ho  Monthly surgery.  Turberville
                                                                                           Councillor                       West Street   Court, Communal Lounge
       I also want to thank all of you who contributed to our appeal for financial help                                                            1st Saturday @ 9.30—10.00
       and made it all possible. It was very touching to see how much so many of you
       valued your Parish Church. Our thanks, too, to Richard Smith our Treasurer, who     Bere Regis Pre-School      471334   Southbrook   preschool@ber  Providing care and education
                                                                                                                                                   for children from 2 to 8 years,
                                                                                           ‘Pebbles’                        Bere Regis
       has worked so well in securing grants and ensuring that payments for the work                                        BH20 7DB      including breakfast club from
                                                                                                                                                   7.45 a.m. and after-school club
       have been made on time.                                                                                                                     until 5 p.m.
                                                                                           Rotary Club of   David King   01929   Hyde Woods, Hyde   david.king@gb
       Finally, we continue to be very grateful to the School for having allowed us to use   Wareham                 471087   Wareham, BH20 7NT
       their wonderful hall for our Sunday services. There have been many advantages –                                                   www.wareham
       not least it has been warm!
                                                                                           Salt and Pepper Lunch   Brenda House   471255      stockleyfarmpa  Monthly, Scout Hut, 3rd
       SO NOW...we have                                                                    Club                                          rtners@gmail.c  Thursday. 12.30p.m.

                                                                                           Table Tennis for Adults   Pauline Pitfield     01258         Mondays  7.00 to 9.00 pm
       OUR CELEBRATION SERVICE                                                                                       839123
       I  am  delighted  to  be  able  to  tell  you  that  the  Bishop  of  Salisbury,  the  Rt  Revd   Twinning Association   Jackie Ahern   07876      Jackie.ahern@hot  Meetings and events
       Nicholas Holtam, will be with us on June 3  at 10am for a Service of Celebration                              577012       arranged as and when.
       for the completed Roof work. Please book that date now and come and join us.
       Many  of  you  have  by  your  generous  gifts  enabled  the  work  to  happen  and  it   W.I. (Bere Regis)   Mrs Dian Pitts   471322      pitts.dian   Monthly, Bere Regis Sports
       would  be  good  for  us  to  be  able  to  say  thank  you!  More  details  as  the  time                                 Club
                                                                                                                                                   3rd Wednesday @ 7.30 pm
                                                                                           Woodbury Hill Singers   Mrs Kath Jeeves  471175   10 Turberville Court      Weekly  Turberville Court
                                                                                                                                                   Mondays @ 2.00 p.m.

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