Page 48 - jan2024
P. 48

January 2024                                                                        January 2024
                                                POETRY CORNER                               was  swimming  an  inch  or  so  underwater.  Their  long  nose  coupled  with  their
                                                                                            venomous  saliva  makes  these  creatures  so  fascinating!  The  water  shrew  is  our
       Regular  readers  will  have  seen  the                                              largest  shrew,  living  in  wetlands  and  hunting  caddisfly  and  mayfly  larvae.
       poems  from  Eileen  Richardson  over   Poking the Bear                              Suprisingly, these fantastic swimmers lack webbed feet and instead have stiff hairs
       many  years.    Even  after  Eileen                                                  on their back feet and use their tails to help them swim. What a fantastic creature
       passed  away,  her  daughter,  Lesley,   The sun rises in the morning.               to  have  welcomed  back  to  Wild  Woodbury.  The  field  vole  is  a  common  small
       continued  to  send  them  in  as  Eileen   The clouds roll over the blue.           mammal  and  can  be  seen  scuttling  within  the  grass with  each  step  taken.  The
       had  been  a  prolific  songwriter  and                                              longer sward has given these wonderful creatures more cover, and each metre
       poet throughout her life.             Who knows what’s round the corner,             squared is patterned with the runs of these mammals. Male field voles are fiercely
                                             Or what may happen to you?                     defensive  of  their  territories  and  produce  a  musky  unpleasant  smell  during  the
       Now that Eileen’s former home in the   Without being pessimistic,                    breeding season. They can produce three to six litters of up to seven young per
       village  has  been  sold,  with  a  new                                              year,  so  it’s  no  wonder  that  these  prolific  breeders  are  thriving  in  their  newly
       family    moving  in  soon,  Lesley  has   You could end up as a snack.              created habitat!
       decided  that  now  is  an  appropriate   If, when you poke a bear,
       time to end these contributions.  We   It decides to poke you back.                  With so many small mammals on site, the reptile populations are growing, we are
       are  very  grateful  that  they  initiated                                           starting to see birds of prey more regularly, and even seeing uncommon species
       this  Poetry  Corner  section  and    Don’t go looking for trouble.                  on site such as the great grey shrike.
       pleased  that  Paul  Openshaw  is     When trouble comes looking for you,            I  look  forward  to  meeting  many  members  of  the  community  and  sharing  our
       continuing to keep us all entertained   Weigh up the situation,                      wonderful site together. If you would like to get in touch, then please email me:
       with  his  regular  verses.    If  there  are   If you’re not sure what to do.       Daisy Meadowcroft
       any  more  poets  in  the  community,   Fulfil your obligations,
       we  occasionally  hear  from  Chris
       Nother, then I would be delighted to   But, never be tardy or slack,
       hear from you.                        If, when you poke a bear,
                                             It decides to poke you back.
                           Alison  -  Editor
                                             If your carnivore is grumpy,
                                             Try to stay level and calm.
       New Year's Day                        He could be toting a weapon,
                                             And out to cause you harm.
       Now it's twenty-twenty four,          Body-swerve the danger,
       And no longer twenty-twenty three     Whether grizzly, brown or black,
       A space has appeared in our house,    If, when you poke a bear,
       Where Christmas used to be.           It decides to poke you back.

       Who can know what lies ahead?         The sun goes down in the evening,
       Will it be a happy new year?          Then disappears from view.
       It's not for me to say.
       Who knows what may appear?            Who knows what lies in wait,
                                             Or what may happen to you?
       May you have the strength to cope,    And who knows what may lurk,
       With whatever comes your way.         On or off the beaten track?
       That is my wish for you,              If, when you poke a bear,
       On this, our new year's day.
                                             It decides to poke you back.
         Paul J Openshaw (December 2023)        Paul J Openshaw (September 2021)

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