Bere Regis Village Website

Historic Maps of Dorset & The Bere Regis Area

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Dorset in 1610

From John Speeds 'The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine'

Dorset in 1695

From Robert Morden in Camden's Britannia

Dorset in 1746

From Samuel Simpson in 'The Agreeable Historian or Complete English Traveller'

Dorset in 1803

From John Aikin in 'England Delineated'

Dorset in 1814

From John Cary in 'Cary's Traveller's Companion'

Bere Regis Area in 1835

From Robert Creighton, engr. J.& C. Walker for Lewis' Topographical Dictionary

Dorset in 1886

From George Philip in 'Philips' Handy Atlas of the Counties of England'