Bere Regis Village Website
Send your Coronation Celebration photos here

King Charles 111 Coronation

The Coronation of King Charles III is on Saturday 6th May 2023.
To celebrate it has been agreed to hold a community picnic at the Sports Club on the Bank Holiday, Monday 8th May from 2pm. Music has been confirmed, with a BBQ and the bar will be open.
We do ask if anybody wishes to park near the site, that they are mindful of access for North Street residents, and leave access for emergency vehicles down the lane alongside Long House.
Ongoing thanks to Judy Newton for organising the day and co-ordinating all the various groups.
Bere Regis always enjoys a party especially if it celebrates the ‘Regis’.
This time a picnic. Posh picnic with plates and napkins or, my preference, sandwiches wrapped in foil.
Preferably a shared picnic with family, friends and neighbours where the folk in your street each bring something to the feast.
If you arrive on your own you can be sure of a welcome at someone’s picnic.
There is a BBQ for those who wish and you can wash it all down with a glass of something from the Sports Club Bar.
The alternative is sitting in a Bank Holiday traffic jam.
Everything will happen regardless of weather; music all afternoon, bar open, BBQ cooking and ourselves enjoying life.

Pop In Place Coronation Party

Thank you to everyone who helped at the Coronation Party.
We had an amazing afternoon with the Silver band playing as party goers tucked into coronation punch and then a lovely cream tea.
The hall was beautifully decorated , thanks to the children of Bere Regis School who provided splendid coronation art work that was displayed on the walls and enjoyed by all who attended.
Thanks to Nisa for funding this event and to Rodney Osmond for all his wonderful contributions to our raffle and also to Karen King from Cranbornes for the splendid coronation souvenirs.
Every one left with a wooden coronation souvenir made by Rod that they will treasure.
Many happy memories were made as we came together as a community to celebrate the crowning of the new King.

Pop In Place Coronation Party

Click to enlarge

First Thursday Club Coronation Tea.

A talk on Dorset myths and legends which linked the 'Green Men' found in many churches (including here in Bere Regis) to the Coronation of King Charles, was followed by a superb celebratory tea for over 40  people yesterday.

First Thursday Club Coronation Tea

Click to enlarge