Bere Regis Village Website

The 1871 Land Owners Survey

The 1871 Land Owners survey listed all the residents of Bere Regis who owned more than 1 acre of land.

The land may or may not have been within the parish.
This did not indicate people who owned land in the parish but were resident outside of it.
Name Residence Gross Estmated Rent p.a
Mrs Branscombe Bere Regis £46.10.0
Charles Besent Bere Regis £43.13.0
Charity Trustees of Williams Bere Regis £20.0.0
Mrs Egginton Bere Regis £4766.18.0
John Henning Bere Regis £35.1.0
Elizabeth Spear Bere Regis £30.11.0
Rev. Francis Warre Bere Regis £52.1.0
John Wheannell Bere Regis £23.5.0